AMD RED BIOS EDITOR und MorePowerTool - BIOS-Einträge anpassen, optimieren und noch stabiler übertakten | Navi unlimited

Yeah ok I see. I tried to run a TS just to see what happens, turns out it f*ucked up my drivers, needed to reinstall Wattman :D

I'll be going back to my final settings and be happy with it... for now :D
@RX480 Could you elaborate on this: "Snakeeyes in the luxx-thread says SOC should be 25mV higher then GFX for Enthusiast-OCers (6900 with 27k in TS)", does this mean if I put 975 in GFX, then in TDV I should set 1000?
You need 2-3 Settings.
1x benching
1x light games
1x heavy games

If you want to stay below 60°C Hotspot and low Watts.
(only with more tests you can be always effectiv)
@RX480 Could you elaborate on this: "Snakeeyes in the luxx-thread says SOC should be 25mV higher then GFX for Enthusiast-OCers (6900 with 27k in TS)", does this mean if I put 975 in GFX, then in TDV I should set 1000?
I said already in my post. that i set in TDV the SOC 25mV > GFX.
max SOC= 1056mV
max GFX= 1031mV
for me

For Benchmarks may be you can do this also with the min SOC+GFX.
I said already in my post. that i set in TDV the SOC 25mV > GFX.
max SOC= 1056mV
max GFX= 1031mV
for me

For Benchmarks may be you can do this also with the min SOC+GFX.
My bad, mixed up the settings!
You need 2-3 Settings.
1x benching
1x light games
1x heavy games

If you want to stay below 60°C Hotspot and low Watts.
(only with more tests you can be always effectiv)
Ok, I think I'll stay with one profile for now though :)
@mastrovious: could you test if a lower SOC Clock gives you more performance? Like for example 700Mhz instead 1200Mhz.

I noticed a curious effect with that, I could go to 480Mhz and still win performance in TS 😅

I wonder what SOC really does. FCLK controls the IF speed which is connected to every part of the chip (that is why increasing the speed, increases the performance). From what I have been gathering, the FclkBoostFreq (Mhz) name is misleading, it is the power saving speed when the fabric is not fully loaded or when it does not need so much bandwidth for any given load (from my tests, it did not make any performance difference and that makes sense if it is what I think)

The question would be what SOC does and what role does it play. I had a Vega 64 and it was clear what the SOC speed was, which was related to the memory and the conection to the chip but when, in RDNA2, that belongs to Fclk, I do not know what it does anymore and after decreasing SOC Clock and gaining performance I am still more confused XDD.
@mastrovious: could you test if a lower SOC Clock gives you more performance? Like for example 700Mhz instead 1200Mhz.

I noticed a curious effect with that, I could go to 480Mhz and still win performance in TS 😅

I wonder what SOC really does. FCLK controls the IF speed which is connected to every part of the chip (that is why increasing the speed, increases the performance). From what I have been gathering, the FclkBoostFreq (Mhz) name is misleading, it is the power saving speed when the fabric is not fully loaded or when it does not need so much bandwidth for any given load (from my tests, it did not make any performance difference and that makes sense if it is what I think)

The question would be what SOC does and what role does it play. I had a Vega 64 and it was clear what the SOC speed was, which was related to the memory and the conection to the chip but when, in RDNA2, that belongs to Fclk, I do not know what it does anymore and after decreasing SOC Clock and gaining performance I am still more confused XDD.
Well that's interesting, with 700mhz on the soc I got my best TS run yet, 18 930 on the graphics. Tried 480mhz but TS crashed just at the end.

I will try some more but clearly Soc mhz does not play that vital role on my stability... you might be on to something here!

EDIT: Just realized, I hit the fifth best TS graphics score when comparing it online (for single GPU), only beaten because I don't push my CPU to the max... might try that just for fun :D
Zuletzt bearbeitet :
Great, at least I now know for certain that it is not something limited to me or my configuration. I was just surprised that it was giving better performance (I would have expected that, after some point, it would be worse) and also it is good to know that there is one point where it is unstable (I did not try that yet, I did not have time). However, I have no idea how that would relate to other parts of the gpu.
Does the driver really use SOC 700MHz or is this value out of range?
(in this case the driver probably would use a own value)

for example
If You have had before 1066MHz then with 700MHz the driver could go to 1200MHz !?

edit: who knows what that driver really makes with this, but it works also to me
may be it works optimal together with the memory access value = fclk boost 1400MHz

edit2: SOC 700MHz works also good with Vram 2078FT
2078 is "safe" above 2060=timing change
... could be a really nice 24/7 setting with light games


  • 2592@951_soc700.png
    990,7 KB · Aufrufe : 7
  • 2592@951_2078FT.png
    35,2 KB · Aufrufe : 8
Zuletzt bearbeitet :
Snakeeyes hat die Nacht 27,6k mit seiner 6900LC geschafft, Hut ab!
Schlüssel war ne optimale Kombination aus fclk+SOC bei moderatem GFX+Vram-Takt.

Um Das mal für ne 6800nonXT zu übersetzen:
Statt GFX 2600MHz ist evtl. 2592MHz idealer, um fclk+SOC maximal hochzuziehen und dann probieren. ob etwas weniger
fclk+SOC schneller ist. Zum Schluss den Vram-takt von 2140 in Richtung 2150 erhöhen.
(weil die 6800nonXT eh etwas niedriger taktet, brauchts net gleich 20-30MHz weniger wie bei snakeeyes)

Warum gerade 2592?
Bei mir ist zw. 2592+2593 der Taktsprung und die Graka wird instabil. Denke mal das ist in dem Bereich der safe clock.(wattman)
Komme damit problemlos durch den Stresstest trotz niedrigem PL.


Zuletzt bearbeitet :
Warum kann man den Ram über den Wattman nicht über 2150MHz Übertakten wenn man diesen im MPT ändert?
Oder besser darf ihn nicht Über 2150MHz mehr Takten , sonst kann man das Power Limit und den GPU Takt nicht mehr ändern und er Taktet nicht mehr hoch.
Kein Hochtakten1.PNGKein Hochtakten.PNG
Zuletzt bearbeitet :
Warum kann man den Ram über den Wattman nicht über 2150MHz Übertakten wenn man diesen im MPT ändert?
Oder besser darf ihn nicht Über 2150MHz mehr Takten , sonst kann man das Power Limit und den GPU Takt nicht mehr ändern und er Taktet nicht mehr hoch.
Ja das ne sperre die AMD da eingebaut hat, wenn du drüber gehst resetet der Treiber. Das kannst du nur umgehen wenn du das LC BIOS auf die Karte Flashst
Ahhhh von der Sperre hatte ich mal was mit bekommen und auch das man die umgehen konnte,aber nicht mit dem MPT selber.OK.
Wenn du Memory Timing Control auf 2 stellst hast du auch noch Fast Timings 2 zur auswahl.
Funktioniert aber nicht bei jeder Karte.
Does the driver really use SOC 700MHz or is this value out of range?
(in this case the driver probably would use a own value)

for example
If You have had before 1066MHz then with 700MHz the driver could go to 1200MHz !?

edit: who knows what that driver really makes with this, but it works also to me
may be it works optimal together with the memory access value = fclk boost 1400MHz

edit2: SOC 700MHz works also good with Vram 2078FT
2078 is "safe" above 2060=timing change
... could be a really nice 24/7 setting with light games
It does not look like it is an out of range value, otherwise, the performance would not increase or it would not increase beyond some point (Unfortunately, there is no indicator/sensor for the real SOC frequency) It looks like that when it is too low, it crashes. I noticed also that lower SOC speed reduces effective SOC voltage dynamically (probably due to V/F SOC curve) and I measured a small decrease in power consumption (a couple of Watts but consistent).

Fclkboost, as far as I know does not give or remove perfomance when I tested it. In the Navi 21 presentation, AMD spoke about the IF and said that the maximum bandwidth that could provide was 1940 GB/s (IF at 1940Mhz) which is the Fclk of MPT and that it would rest to 1400 GB/s if more bandwidth was not required to save power. That fits with the 1400Mhz value of FclkboostFreq. I do not think it does something beyond that.

The only thing that I do not know is what SOC really does. If it is only for the Encoding/Decoding motor domain or something like that, then, we should be able to decrease it without worrying too much about it

Btw., does anybody know if changing the Mhz of the Memory DPM 3 settings and/or its divider makes any effect?
Zuletzt bearbeitet :
Snakeeyes hat die Nacht 27,6k mit seiner 6900LC geschafft, Hut ab!
Schlüssel war ne optimale Kombination aus fclk+SOC bei moderatem GFX+Vram-Takt.
Ja, macht Sinn. Aus meiner Sicht würde ich das nachfolgende priorisieren:
1) GFX Freq
2) Fclk Freq (das kann man auch ein bisschen mehr Leistung mit zusätzliche SOC Tuning gewinnen)
3) Vram Freq + Timings
Wenn du Memory Timing Control auf 2 stellst hast du auch noch Fast Timings 2 zur auswahl.
Funktioniert aber nicht bei jeder Karte.
Bei mir FT2 bricht das System automatisch ab
Wenn du Memory Timing Control auf 2 stellst hast du auch noch Fast Timings 2 zur auswahl.
Funktioniert aber nicht bei jeder Karte.
Ich schau erst mal wie weit 1 geht,senke gerade auch die Ramspannung leicht ab.
Ist ziemlich viel neues im MPT drinne,kenne nur die Version als die RX5700 raus gekommen ist.
Eigentlich brauch ich nur 5 Sachen aus dem MPT,der Rest ist.... :rolleyes:
Sorry,aber viel zu vermüllt die 1.3.7 Version.
Spannung im Wattman funktioniert nach Oben gar nicht mehr.........:cautious:
Alles über 1.012V wird nicht mehr genommen.
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