AMD RED BIOS EDITOR und MorePowerTool - BIOS-Einträge anpassen, optimieren und noch stabiler übertakten | Navi unlimited

I think the 6950 is not exactly the same like the LC.

For the memory voltages only set the last two Dpm levels to high values, the rest can be the original values.

I guess LC cards are super difficult to get. Snakeeyes sold his card some time ago and I want to keep it. You would need to find people with Dell PCs having a 6900 - maybe they have the LC installed. I never checked this, but I could add i saw few Dell branded cards in my data from April 2021.
I think the 6950 is not exactly the same like the LC.

For the memory voltages only set the last two Dpm levels to high values, the rest can be the original values.

I guess LC cards are super difficult to get. Snakeeyes sold his card some time ago and I want to keep it. You would need to find people with Dell PCs having a 6900 - maybe they have the LC installed. I never checked this, but I could add i saw few Dell branded cards in my data from April 2021.
Has anyone gotten higher than 27k on a non lc card?
Do any of them share their settings?
You will find some, just take a look.

Which netted me this!


  • Screenshot_20230326_224803_Messenger.jpg
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And this! Hopefully I can Crack higher than 27k eventually!


  • Screenshot_20230326_215424_Facebook.jpg
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in Germany the 6950 is cheap at the moment, and the waterblocks also


only 72€
The reason I was thinking of using the 6900xt lc bios on the 6950xt, would be to get the added hardware benefits and be able to score higher on the 6900xt timespy scores?
Idk if it works that way or not. Just an idea I had.
You could
But the PP-PW curve on the 6950XT is harsher than the one on the LC_REF
Mem is rebranded
TypeC is a pcb difference, controller difference.

You should be cautious on the downgrade, but i can build something for you if you want.
Because DevID's differ.
An LC with unlocked voltage limiter , downgraded from an KXTX, could indeed be a fast card

Your idea is not logicless
I remember people used 6800XT profiles on KXTX before
But bios flashes have the chance to be blacklisted by UL ~ because , oh well ~ its just how it is, dont ask why :)

If you want to try, i'll PM
In own responsibility that A you might have to clear TPM and lose secure-boot keys
B, you are not allowed to reupload it between users or on Techpowerup
C, outside of all still somebody can read chat and will shadowbann you on 3DMark even if you dont run a bios mod (they are nearly undetectable)
C has happened now several times, and B is there to preserve integrity and strength on our side ~ till the time RBRTeam decides to publish how to create bios mods. So far i keep all secrets on my side , yet you can play with it if you want :) Its time, as RDNA3 has released now.
Zuletzt bearbeitet :
You could
But the PP-PW curve on the 6950XT is harsher than the one on the LC_REF
Mem is rebranded
TypeC is a pcb difference, controller difference.

You should be cautious on the downgrade, but i can build something for you if you want.
Because DevID's differ.
An LC with unlocked voltage limiter , downgraded from an KXTX, could indeed be a fast card

Your idea is not logicless
I remember people used 6800XT profiles on KXTX before
But bios flashes have the chance to be blacklisted by UL ~ because , oh well ~ its just how it is, dont ask why :)

If you want to try, i'll PM
In own responsibility that A you might have to clear TPM and lose secure-boot keys
B, you are not allowed to reupload it between users or on Techpowerup
C, outside of all still somebody can read chat and will shadowbann you on 3DMark even if you dont run a bios mod (they are nearly undetectable)
C has happened now several times, and B is there to preserve integrity and strength on our side ~ till the time RBRTeam decides to publish how to create bios mods. So far i keep all secrets on my side , yet you can play with it if you want :) Its time, as RDNA3 has released now.
I appreciate the offer, I think I'll just keep the rdu 6900xt I currently have. Seems like more work than it's worth.
Is it possible to get into the mid to high 27k range on gpu scores with the rdu 6900xt, without doing the evc2 mod?
What´s about the Monitor?

some points may be with a smaller [email protected] (exactly 59,94Hz ?)
the Luxxer´s used sometimes very small old monitors

the score should be correct, because of DPI-scaling 1440p-->1080p
but it can save some W and provide a little bit better temp, may be 1-2 degree´s
(the DP-Link runs in this case @lower speed, for example only 1,62x4)

Also try the RUN only to get the grafik-highscore with CPU@SMT off.(may be your CPU can go OC with higher clocks ... 100MHz?)
mostly the highest grafikscores are not the highest complete scores!
Zuletzt bearbeitet :
may be, you are too late in the season

the vram works better@lower temps = lower failure correction
the best score would probably done@outside with very low ambient temps
then he should buy an EVC2 and go All In

advantage = scripted voltages during bench
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