AMD RED BIOS EDITOR und MorePowerTool - BIOS-Einträge anpassen, optimieren und noch stabiler übertakten | Navi unlimited

Hey guys.

So i own a RX 6600 and read on multiple sites that AMD 6xxx cards are mostly limited by the power limit, which can be further unlocked (to more than 20%) with the MorePowerTool.

I downloaded the Tool, extracted the GPU-BIOS via GPU-Z and loaded it into MPT. The ONLY thing i changed was the power limit, which i set to 120W instead of the default 100W, and clicked "Write SPPT".

Thing is, i still had the +20% Power Limit setting saved in my AMD Performance profile, so the GPU was allowed to take 120W x 1.2 = 144W i think (probably too much?).

I hit a new Benchmark High in 3DMark Time Spy (9200 vs 8800).

But my ingame FPS were really bad now, frametimes all over the place (checking with RivaTuner OSD). They were perfect before.

Additionally, the AMD Driver is crashing sometimes, with a new installation needed. Some older games (Tomb Raider 2013) are even crashing now.

I reverted the 120W change in MPT back to 100W, but the issues still exist! I even reinstalled Windows and used older AMD drivers, but it didn't help.

Weird thing is 3DMark Time Spy Score is still at 8800, issues are somehow only ingame.

Does anyone have an idea what happened here, is my GPU toast or is there any way to fix this...?

Thanks in advance, i'm happy for every answer.
Liegt Tomb Raider 2013 auf ner anderen SSD ?
falls ja, vllt. auch mal deinstallieren und neu installieren, damit sich der ShaderCache neu aufbauen muss

Und mal bei W10 Energieoptionen auf Ultimate stellen, falls die CPU rumbummelt.
Zuletzt bearbeitet :
I only have 1 SSD, and all games are installed there together with Windows 10.

After i reinstalled Windows 10, i reinstalled my games as well.
how are the w10 energy options?
may be important how the cpu works

if you use a ryzen then these motherboard drivers are also important, may be the adrenalin make some changes via ryzen master


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Hello everyone, I hope all is well!

I purchased a RX 6950XT OC Formula not to long ago. After I ordered it, all I could think of was, "How well is it going to overclock?" Which lead me to do some research and I can not explain how excited I was when I found MPT from igor'sLAB. The second installed the 6950XT OCF, I went to work.

I was thinking that it possibly, would not work for the RX 6950XT. However, I tried anyways.

These are the settings I changed first: (stock to OC):

1.200 VDDC to 1.275 VDDC

346w power limit to 550w (GPU-Z GPU Chip Power Draw)

20% power limit to 50% power limit (wattman power limit % slider)

All of the above worked like a charm. I ran stock frequency runs in Fire Strike to confirm that the settings were change.

The next task I wanted to do is where the problem came.

I wanted to have full control over the memory boost frequency. I was shooting in the dark trying to find a setting in MPT that would stop the card from boosting the memory frequency way to high.

Big sigh....

I never found the setting(s) in MPT that controlled the memory boost frequency....

So I come to you all in the pursuit of performance for help!

I will attach a "Frequency tab" screen shot of my RX 6950XT OCF's stock bios loaded into MPT.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

MPT Frequency.PNG
if HWinfo or a other overlay shows some spikes
this are only very short spikes not real

the vram clock should be set via amd control panel


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I tried both "AMD Ryzen High Performance" and "High Performance" Power Settings, but it didn't help with the bad FPS & frametimes.

If you mean the Chipset driver with Motherboard driver, the most recent Chipset driver is installed.

Everything was fine before i changed the Power Limit in the MorePowerTool.

Here are 2 examples of bad frametimes:

Screenshot (6).png

FPS are limited to 144, but there are constantly spikes ~ every 0.5s with just standing still doing nothing, game feels sluggish.

Screenshot (7).png

Dropship in Apex Legends, i had 110+ FPS in this situation before, now <90 with spikes visible as well.

I tested Stray too, same Frametime Spikes as above...

Anything else i could try?
What happens, if you don´t use RTSS (AB) as Fps-Limiter?

try only chill, and play without AMD overlay
(in some games may be AMD Overlay is also strange)
... nach ner kompletten W10 Neuinstallation mit cleaner Registry ?
Wozu soll dann DDU gut sein, wenn der Treiber jungfräulich ist?

Dann müsste ja schon bei der Treiberinstallation irgendwas Komisches aufgefallen sein.
(net sauber durchgelaufen)
Ich bezog mich auf den zitierten Satz. Ob es was bringt, wird sich zeigen, nachdem er es gemacht hat. Meine Aussage war aber auch allgemeiner Natur.

@blacky: Do it in Windows safe mode as proposed by the program. And cut the internet connection until you have finished installing the driver manually.
Zuletzt bearbeitet :
Nochmal zum Mitschreiben:

Er hat den kompletten PC neu installiert, nachdem das Problem aufgetreten ist.
Ich versuche mal ein wenig licht ins PerPart piece-wise linear zu bringen.
Vorweg vielen dank an @hellm und an @Veii .

Das ganze wurde mit der Rx6950XT oder einer der kleineren Karten eingeführt ( weiß ich nicht genau ).
Vorteil ist die "feinkörnigere" Volt zu Hz Kurve und das besserer verhalten dieser. Es läuft einfach smoother ;).
Im TS kann ich mit meiner Karte ca. 1000Pkt ohne extra Spannung damit gewinnen.

( das eine meiner 6800XT Kurven, könnt ihr gerne kopieren soll auf 6900XT nicht so dolle laufen, diese ziehlt auf 1,150V@2600MHz mehr ist mit meiner Karte nicht drinne )
Die PerPartDroopVsetGfxDfll bestimmen den Spannungsbereich der Teilkurve.
Wenn ihr die Ganze Kurve noch etwas noch oben oder unten rücken wollt, ohne jede Teilkurve anzupassen kann man mit dem AVFS Override ein Offset setzten.

Stabilisieren und so:
Screenshot 2022-10-27 143100.jpg
Am besten mit einem Leichten Load z.b. Heaven Benchmark und DcBtcMax 0 die Kurve auslooten.
Um es dann TS Stabil zu bekommen kann man die DcBtcMax bis 100 anheben.
Schritte immer im schema 6+6+6+7+6+6+6+7....

Die DcBtcGb ist eine art sanfte drossel, das dir der takt nicht nach oben wegrennt.

Die min Voltage sollte auch an jeder stelle angepasst werden.
Screenshot 2022-10-27 144241.jpg
Und die Passenden Featureres an/aus machen
Screenshot 2022-10-27 144510.jpg

Ach und nicht die MorePower Setings vergessen:
nächte seite wegen Foren Limit.


  • Screenshot 2022-10-27 144510.jpg
    Screenshot 2022-10-27 144510.jpg
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Zuletzt bearbeitet :
Ach und nicht die MorePower Setings vergessen:
Screenshot 2022-10-27 144728.jpg

Und die Trottler :

Edit: Man kann sich als 6900XT/6800XT nutzer natürlich einfach die 6950XT Kurve nehmen, die funktioniert schon sehr gut.

Glaube das wars : )
Zuletzt bearbeitet :
Stabilisieren und so:
Am besten mit einem Leichten Load z.b. Heaven Benchmark und DcBtcMax 0 die Kurve auslooten.
Um es dann TS Stabil zu bekommen kann man die DcBtcMax bis 100 anheben.
Schritte immer im schema 6+6+6+7+6+6+6+7....

Die DcBtcGb ist eine art sanfte drossel, das dir der takt nicht nach oben wegrennt.
Hast Du aus nem bestimmtem Grund auch noch DcTol (GFX) geändert?


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Es ist auch kein problem den letzten Kurvenabschniit bis 1,3V gehen zu lassen.
Die Karte hört halt da auf wo sie nicht mehr Volt geben darf.
@ShirKhan @RX480

Hey, i tried the DDU method like you said, but unfortunately it did not help.

I found out that the 22.10.2 & 22.10.1 drivers are causing the crashes in games like Tomb Raider 2013 or Bioshock Infinite. Games don't crash on 22.5.1.

The spikes i mentioned go away if i ALT-TAB out of games and in again. Never had this issue before.

The frametimes are still bad. I played Apex before with a 142fps cap on ultralow settings with buttersmooth frametimes, now it's stuttering quite a lot (using CapFrameX to check). It doesn't matter if i cap the frames via RivaTuner or use the ingame Framelimiter. AMD & Steam Overlays are turned off.

So in the MPT i changed the Power Limit from 100 to 120. With the +20% setting in Wattman the GPU took supposedly 144W.

Was that actually safe to change the Power Limit like this or was it dangerous? Because something is definitely off right now.

I followed a post on Reddit where someone wrote a guide for the RX 6600 and put a Power Limit of 150W in the MPT, so i thought it's safe to start with 120W.

I did not change any voltage settings, the GPU was actually undervolted from 1150mV to 1090mV in Wattman.

Rest of my Hardware: MSI B550, Ryzen 3600, Seasonic Focus PX 750.

Anything else i could try?

The spikes i mentioned go away if i ALT-TAB out of games and in again. Never had this issue before.
If you TAB out probaply you change to borderless windowed = no more exclusive fullscreen mode.
If this is the reason then this should be only in some games, ... not in all games.

I know that Crysis 3 has had also a strange behavior at some PC´s with the clock, and this was gone with a trick.
But this couldn´t be solved with a hardware setting, it was a software game problem.
I don´t think that a high minClock in the wattman can solve this, but you can try.

Sorry. at the moment, no new idea, what to do.
Zuletzt bearbeitet :

I tried both "AMD Ryzen High Performance" and "High Performance" Power Settings, but it didn't help with the bad FPS & frametimes.

If you mean the Chipset driver with Motherboard driver, the most recent Chipset driver is installed.

Everything was fine before i changed the Power Limit in the MorePowerTool.

Here are 2 examples of bad frametimes:

Anhang anzeigen 21278

FPS are limited to 144, but there are constantly spikes ~ every 0.5s with just standing still doing nothing, game feels sluggish.

Anhang anzeigen 21279

Dropship in Apex Legends, i had 110+ FPS in this situation before, now <90 with spikes visible as well.

I tested Stray too, same Frametime Spikes as above...

Anything else i could try?
These spikes are so regular. What other software do you have running in the background? Turn off everything that runs in the background (RGB, Antivirus ect.) and find the cause.

You should also check that all drivers are up to date. Chipset, audio etc.
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