Reviews Phanteks T30 Gehäuselüfter im Test – Überraschung auf der dunklen Seite der Macht


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Aug 6, 2018
Aufgedreht, abgemäht und wieder angenäht – also seine Finger sollte man da bei 3000 U/min wirklich nicht reinstecken. Allerdings sind die neuen Phanteks T30 auch bei voller Rotation noch leise genug, um die Schnittfestigkeit der Rotorblätter samt der dahinter steckenden Gewalt grandios zu unterschätzen. Ja, die können was (außer sehr laut), das darf ich schon […]

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@Pascal Mouchel und @Grzywa
Fan testing 2.0 dort die Grafiken mit CFM/rpm bzw. m³h/rpm und dann aus dem Artikel Phanteks T30 Gehäuselüfter im Test Seite 4 die Balkendiagramme diese Werte passen nicht zusammen. Wenn ich nach den Diagrammen gehe wären die Werte für den T30 tatsächlich deutlich höher als das was in den Balkengrafiken angegeben ist.
Da die Grafiken im deutschen Artikel nicht vorhanden sind ist es nicht aufgefallen denke ich.
Auch zweifelt keiner die Messmethode an nur das die Werte nicht konsistent sind im Diagramm und der Balkengrafik. Vllt wurde da etwas vertauscht!?!
Ich habe den Eindruck ihr redet da aneinander vorbei!
Und genau da ist der Hund begraben schaut man sich die Werte an sieht man eine Abweichung aber die Abweichung liegt in der Toleranz.

Ich hab beim neuen Test ein neuen Lüfter ausgepackt.

Er meint ja die ganze dBa Aufnahme und CFM wert ist falsch. Ich hab heute beide Lüfter aus dem Test Mal angeschlossen und kurz nachgemessen und komme wieder auf das gleiche Ergebnis.

Er versteht ja nicht mal was mit der Bienenwaben gemacht wird oder das die in der dBa Aufnahme nicht Mal drin ist. Was aber im Artikel und in neuen Artikel drin steht das in der dBa Aufnahme die nicht drin ist.

Und im Deutschen Artikel sind die Grafiken nicht drin??? Hab eben geschaut auf Englisch oder Deutsch sind beide Grafiken drin
You don't get it, do you?

The manufacturer's structure is under laboratory conditions but not in the real structure.

But hey, you're the only one who thinks our tests are wrong, it's extremely funny that we even test prototypes for manufacturers before they go to market. That's probably because our measurements don't match - you're right, everything we measure is wrong.

No kilometre long text will help you if you don't understand our measurement setup.

and you also don't understand that dba is not what you hear every fan has its own characteristics WE MEASURE WITH A MEASURING MICROPHONE WITH CALIBRATION AND ANALYSIS PROGRAM THAT CANNOT BE FAKED!!!! TAKE IT

And no, the honeycomb shape is not built into the dBa measurement and is this a joke? you really don't get this box, it simulates the construction of a case with e.g. filters or obstacles in front of the fan.

The honeycomb grille is to direct the airflow and even a company that manufactures fans and cooling units recommended this honeycomb to get the right and correct values.

you write things here but have no idea what it's really about, just read the other articles through our fan tests and you'll understand.

Why did we already have prototypes from be quiet of the Silent Wings 4 with us almost 2 years ago? right because our measurements are completely wrong.

Why do manufacturers ask us for our opinion on what can be optimised? right because we measure wrong.

also what you write about the foam is absolutely nonsense if the fan hums just a little bit due to a vibration, then without this foam the whole box hums.

The box is rubber-mounted and the device itself, the mounting brackets, have been changed.

You still don't get what the honeycomb is for, do you? It directs the air to my meter, without it the measurements are wrong because the air is distributed on the outgoing side in the chamber.

and that is exactly why the box was calculated to cope with 140 and 120mm fans.

As far as the dba is concerned, manufacturers measure from a distance of 1 metre in an anechoic chamber.

If you see this as a real condition, you are simply blind.
Ok, forget that that data in your own graphs do not match each other. Forget honeycomb theory, and calibration.
Simple fact is that Phanteks at 3000RPM is much lauder than Noctua at 2000RPM. No can can argue that. Anyone can hear it. It's so obvious that you trying to argue that it's not the case is ridiculus. I don't think anyone who own both fans can agree with you.
Further discussion does not make any sense when you keep telling people that black is white and white is black.

Honestly I always had tremendous respect for igorslab for your data driven analysis. But after this article, your arguments and article where you "found" reason for failing 12 pin power connectors withour even reproducing failure itself I host all trust in your capacity to deliver valid results.
And fact that you are doing testing for other companies for their prototyping purposes it's not funny. It's scarry.
Honestly I always had tremendous respect for igorslab for your data driven analysis. But after this article, your arguments and article where you "found" reason for failing 12 pin power connectors withour even reproducing failure itself I host all trust in your capacity to deliver valid results.
And fact that you are doing testing for other companies for their prototyping purposes it's not funny. It's scarry.
Is that so? According to whom's statement is the analysis of the 12-pin wrong? GN???

Funny :D
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