AMD Help in underclocking or modifying 5500XT bios



Hello, I thought it was the problem of the AMD drivers that most of my games crashes and it turns out, it was the boost clock of my msi 5500xt oc 4gb. When I underclock it to 1750, everything works fine now. No more issues at all.

Please, if anyone can modify this bios below, any help would be greatly appreciated. Just lowering the Boost Clock from 1845 MHz to 1750, or anyone can please point me to the right person. Thanks!

RBE doesn't support 5500XT for now
Hello. I could continue this topic and conduct experiments on my platform, since I have several 5500xt and have knowledge of flashing. Could you modify my bios from Sapphire Pulse 5500XT. I will be grateful and share the results.


  • SapphirePulse_5500XT_113-E4210MB-U0D_.rom
    1 MB · Aufrufe : 4
Hello. I could continue this topic and conduct experiments on my platform, since I have several 5500xt and have knowledge of flashing. Could you modify my bios from Sapphire Pulse 5500XT. I will be grateful and share the results.
Hello and welcome,

I am glad to help and I would appreciate if we could continue until we reach a good result as many people do not stick until we achieve a good result,

I am going to modify the vbios to unlock it using different methods as the RX 5500 XT has more security than the RX 5600/5700 XT series.
Привет и добро пожаловать,

Я рад помочь, и я был бы признателен, если бы мы могли продолжить, пока не достигнем хорошего результата, поскольку многие люди не придерживаются, пока мы не добьемся хорошего результата,

Я собираюсь модифицировать vbios, чтобы разблокировать его разными способами, поскольку RX 5500 XT имеет большую безопасность, чем серия RX 5600/5700 XT.
Hello everyone. I have also Sapphire 5500xt 8gb and Powercolor 5500 xt 8gb. Mini_Me did a great job with 5700xt maybe he can help help us with these. I can test anything on these cards. I am at your disposal.
Hello everyone. I have also Sapphire 5500xt 8gb and Powercolor 5500 xt 8gb. Mini_Me did a great job with 5700xt maybe he can help help us with these. I can test anything on these cards. I am at your disposal.
Hello and welcome,

Me and g.e.v are currently working to unlock the RX 5500 XT,

May I enquir, what is your English language level?
Zuletzt bearbeitet :
We are currently testing, please send me your original backup vbios files and if there is any new findings I will update you whenever it is possible.
Happy New Year everyone! Sorry for the late reply, i was away for a few days. I'm attaching the bioses, silent and performance for Sapphire 5500xt pulse and Powercolor 5500xt all with 8gb ram. Also, in a few days i will get Msi 5500xt Mech and Sapphire 5500xt Nitro+, 5500xt, 8gb ram. I will upload those bioses too.


  • powercolor.rom
    512 KB · Aufrufe : 8
  • sapphirebios1performance.rom
    512 KB · Aufrufe : 5
  • sapphirebios2silent.rom
    512 KB · Aufrufe : 2
I just received a 5500XT Asus Strix.
This is a dual bios model, I get it to test some things under mining.
I've the 512k/1M bios problem, like on 5600xt thread.
If I extract bios, it's 1M size.
On techpowerup, files are 512k.
If I remember right, I've flashed a 512k bios from Techpowerup I've edited with HxD, on the Quiet bios.
Then black screen after reboot.
Switched on Performance bios.
I'm now not able to flash any bios, getting "Cannot program with input vbios file".
Tried original 512k Quiet bios from Techpowerup, my own backup of Quiet bios, my own backup of Performance bios.
Tried with amdvblash 3.04, 3.04+ and 2.93.
Same result.
Where are you in your work on 5500XT ?
Thanks :)
I just received a 5500XT Asus Strix.
This is a dual bios model, I get it to test some things under mining.
I've the 512k/1M bios problem, like on 5600xt thread.
If I extract bios, it's 1M size.
On techpowerup, files are 512k.
If I remember right, I've flashed a 512k bios from Techpowerup I've edited with HxD, on the Quiet bios.
Then black screen after reboot.
Switched on Performance bios.
I'm now not able to flash any bios, getting "Cannot program with input vbios file".
Tried original 512k Quiet bios from Techpowerup, my own backup of Quiet bios, my own backup of Performance bios.
Tried with amdvblash 3.04, 3.04+ and 2.93.
Same result.
Where are you in your work on 5500XT ?
Thanks :)
Hi and welcome,

Please send me your original backup vbios.
Hello again,

New bioses 5500XT's 8Gb, Asus, Sapphire and Msi. The exact model is in the name of the bios. Any progress with the bioses so far?



  • sapphirenitro+performance.rom
    512 KB · Aufrufe : 4
  • msi_mech.rom
    512 KB · Aufrufe : 6
  • Asus_dual_O8G_Evo.rom
    512 KB · Aufrufe : 4
Hi and welcome,

Please send me your original backup vbios.

Thanks for your help.
Here are my 2 original bios, 512k each.
But in amdvbflash, it shows 1M romsize.

If I extract bios with amdvblash, it creates a 1M file, 512k file with gpuz.


  • 5500XT Asus Strix Performance.rom
    512 KB · Aufrufe : 6
  • 5500XT Asus Strix Quiet.rom
    512 KB · Aufrufe : 4
Zuletzt bearbeitet :
Hello @Mini_Me and the modding community,

I am interested in assisting with finding the solution to successfully modding the 5500 XT vbios. I will provide my findings so far. Also, I will ask some questions that you don't necessarily need to answer, but maybe it will help spur our creativity to overcome the obstacles at hand.

First: I modded the vbios file. This part is fairly straight-foward, as the process is the same as all other cards: change the hex values accordingly, and recalculate the checksum at offset 0x21. No problems there.

Second: I overcame the "0FL01 - BIOS authentication signature mismatch" error (aka "Error in VBIOS image" when using the GUI) by using Igor's AMDVBFLASH v3.04+ (even though it doesn't support -f command, it still ignores the signature check and proceeds with the update).

Third: This is where the problem arises. Once applying the modded vbios and restarting, the GPU reports Error 43 in Device Manager: "Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems. (Code 43)". I tried using ATI Pixel Patcher however it did not help.

So that is where I am currently stuck at. Now to see if I can offer some assistance by presenting you with the following questions:

First: Are you still trying to locate the digital signature locations inside the vbios? I believe that I may have found it, at the following offset: 0x30A00. Either that, or else after the following hex sequence 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

Second: What is actually enforcing the digital signature restriction? And why is it only enforced on the 5500 (not the 5600/5700)? Is it being enforced at the hardware level (ex: some chip on the GPU)? or the software level (ex: AMD driver)?

One last thing: If the signature within the vbios changed, that would mean that the file checksum at offset 0x21 would also need to be updated. Therefore, the part of the file that the signature is verifying does not include the checksum at offset 0x21 (or else it would be an enless loop of updating the signature & checksum). Just something to keep in mind.

That is all I have for now but I will keep digging on my end. If you have answers to those questions then please enlighten me. And let me know if you need any further testing done.

Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator :
help please !! need bios mods Rx5500xt power color ..


  • SEGUNDA-6-RadeonRX5500XT-8G-Micron_GDDR6-113-D332.rom
    1 MB · Aufrufe : 5
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