AMD Das neue MorePowerTool 1.2 mit noch mehr Funktionen - die Community testet mit | Sammelthread

Erstens hallo alle.

Tut mir leid, auf Englisch zu sprechen, aber Ich denke es ist besser fur Sie nicht zu Lesen gebrochen Deutsch.

I'm one of the Radeon VII owners who has really struggled with the card. In most demanding games, overclocked and under water, it's great. Also for many prosumer tasks.

However, performance is terrible in a lot of low GPU utilisation % or older games. What ever I do, it won't go above 28-31W TDP.

I thought perhaps disabling all the DS states in MPT would solve this. It does increase the clocks significantly (which can drop as low as 25Mhz on core and ~340Mhz on HBM) and tends to keep the core above 1000Mhz, and HBM above 800Mhz. However, in order for the card to keep within its apparently fixed TDP, it drops to GPU utilisation in single figures most of the time (i.e. below 10%). So overall you gain a little bit in some games, and lose a little bit in others.

Obviously frame times and FPS are all over the place.

My old Fury Nano on ancient drivers (disabling 'Power Efficiency' in Radeon Settings worked) will often get 2-4x the FPS my RVII does. Whereas the RVII will get anywhere from 2.5x - 5x the performance where it isn't stuck in an 'efficiency' mode.

Does anyone know if one of the settings in MPT's features will remove the 'DS' (or Power Efficiency) TDP limiter?

If not, is there some other way to disable it, or thinking laterally, to fool the card into thinking it needs to disable the TDP limit?

AMD appear to not be interested, and it's really disheartening that the VII is so crippled.

Vielen dank!
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