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Update: Apple unlocks the developer account of Epic Games

We recently reported on the blocking of Epic Games’ developer account with Apple. However, it has since been unblocked again,

Apple is on a direct confrontation course against Epic Games

A brief summary: Apple has blocked Epic Games’ Swedish developer account on their platform, which was supposed to bring the Epic Game Store to IOS devices. The reason for this is that the company is not trustworthy for Apple and a tweet from Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney showed that they would not abide by the rules and therefore classified it as a direct attack on Apple.

Epic Games then made serious accusations against Apple and claimed that Apple competitors or developers who criticize or want to compete with the company are blocked by Apple. As a result, the EU antitrust authorities got wind of this and acted immediately. The reason for this is the Digital Markets Act (DMA for short), which prohibits store monopolies and forces other stores to be downloaded and used. This is intended to create fair competition and provide better opportunities for competitors in this market.

Epic Games may now return to IOS devices after all, the company reports on its news blog. In doing so, Apple has committed itself to the European antitrust authorities via the Digital Markets Act and is enabling Epic Games for IOS devices again. For Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney, this is a significant victory. First and foremost for the company, but also for the European rule of law, as he put it.


This clears the way for Epic Games to bring its own store to IOS devices and also bring back the popular game Fortnite after more than 3 years. There is currently no exact date for when the whole thing will start again.

Source: Epic Games

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Vor kurzem haben wir über die Sperrung von Epic Games Entwickleraccount bei Apple berichtet. Mittlerweile wurde dieser aber wieder entsperrt, Apple ist auf direkten Konfrontationskurs gegen Epic Games Nochmal kurz zusammengefasst: Apple hat Epic Games schwedischen Entwickleraccount auf deren Plattform gesperrt, der den Epic Game Store auf IOS-Geräte bringen sollte. Der Grund dafür ist, dass das Unternehmen für Apple nicht vertrauenswürdig und ein Tweet von Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney zeigte, dass man sich nicht an Regeln halten werde und es somit als direkten Angriff auf Apple einstuft. Epic Games erhob dann schwere Vorwürfe gegen Apple und behaupte, dass Apple […] (read full article...)

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Hoang Minh Le

