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Ugreen NASync DXP2800 NAS in test – Can the small version convince?

Summary and conclusion

At this point I would like to refer you once again to my test report on the DXP4800 Plus, the interim conclusion there is, so to speak, part 1 of what is about to follow:

Ugreen NASync DXP4800 Plus NAS in test – Unexpected competition on the market

Hopefully I’ve been able to make it clear for the most part: I like the hardware and, depending on the price range, it’s appropriately chosen, but the UGOS software shows the young age of this new product line from Ugreen. However, the standby power consumption of the DXP2800 is at least significantly better than that of the larger model. And with the Kickstarter discount, the price is of course tempting in view of the technical data.

The question of which NASync series product to choose is not so easy to answer. The DXP4800 Plus is quite audible under load and the Intel Pentium Gold 8505 also gets quite warm at 80-85°C, but the combination of 1x P-Core, 4x E-Core and 6 threads provides a good basis for all kinds of applications. If you want to compare the specifications of the two CPUs in detail, you can do so on the Intel Ark website. A 4-bay NAS is better in terms of price/performance when it comes to storage, but on the other hand very few people will even have a 10 gigabit local infrastructure available at home.

I can still justify functions such as linking remote access to an account, but not offering 2-factor authentication. This brings us to Ugreen’s answer to my question about this and other missing features:

The MFA feature is currently under development and testing, with subsequent versions to be released soon.

The proposal regarding scheduled tasks related to disk checks has already been forwarded to the product team.

The suggestion for a function that automatically copies data when a USB drive is inserted has also been shared with the product team. However, considering data security concerns, we have not enabled automatic copying upon NAS connection to a USB drive.

We continuously update and add more security inspection features within the Security Center.

The maximum supported hard disk capacity is primarily limited by hardware, processors, and drivers. In the future, after ensuring the NASync product can safely and stably support larger hard disk capacities, we will accommodate higher capacity hard drives. Stay updated for this enhancement.

So a lot of promises for now. The Kickstarter campaign ends in 2 days, next month the delivery of the devices should start. I really hope that MFA has been implemented by then at the very latest. However, these shaky beginnings in software development have not stopped many people from showing great interest in the hardware, which is currently still discounted. And, of course, the question arose time and again as to whether these teething troubles could be overcome by installing a third-party operating system. The first attempts failed due to a BIOS watchdog, but this can now be deactivated and the following statement regarding the warranty has been issued:

The official hardware warranty policy from Ugreen remains unchanged, but there are risks associated with installing third-party software. Lastly, we are not intentionally blocking 3rd party OS.

So, should we still be quick to buy at the low Kickstarter prices or should we stick with more mature alternatives from established manufacturers? I think everyone really has to decide for themselves this time. Crowdfunding is always one of those things, but with such a big brand it’s probably hardly risky. The hardware is there and not just about render trailers. The basic functions of a NAS are fulfilled and UGOS will certainly be improved over time. Personally, however, I would rather buy the hardware at the current stage and perhaps try out the native operating system again in six months’ time.

All models in the NASync series are currently only available via Kickstarter, with a 35% discount on the RRP until May 9, 2024.

The test sample was provided by Ugreen without obligation. There was and is no influence on the tests and results. There was also no compensation for expenses and no obligation to publish.


