Aircooling Basics Cooling Reviews Wärmeleitpaste und Pads Watercooling

Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut vs. Paste X (pre-series) in the thermal paste test: Changing of the guard after 10 years?

Today I’m testing two pastes from Thermal Grizzly. The Kryonaut, which has been following us around for almost 10 years and feels like it’s stuck between every second CPU and its cooler in the forums, and a new paste as a “secret” pre-series product, which will be on the market in around three months. I have already tested this paste internally and today, with Roman’s kind permission, I have the exclusive right to present and compare the product. And I can spoil one thing in advance – the two pastes are really quite different. This also increases the excitement.

But let’s stay with the already known product for now. The success of the Kryonaut is probably also due to the fact that, even back then, it was possible to develop a rather liquid paste that still had quite high thermal conductivity. Due to its consistency, it could usually be applied effortlessly and “foolproof” (if we exclude a few batches), which of course also ensured that it always came out on top in the tests (including mine). A rather slippery paste also results in thinner layers and therefore lower thermal resistance in real life.

With precisely this strategy, i.e. as fluid as necessary and as thermally conductive as possible, they have created a real perennial favorite, without which this company would probably not exist in its current form. But you should always look to the future…

This is exactly where the second paste comes into play. It is relatively viscous, but not quite as solid as the Thermalright TF8 and roughly on a par with the Corsair XTM 70. A paste with a higher filling, i.e. a mixture of soft matrix and significantly more heat-conducting particles, improves performance immensely, but also makes handling a little more complicated. However, the new paste – I’ll just call it Paste X– is still quite manageable. The product doesn’t have a name yet, but I just couldn’t resist using the Grizzly Bear prank. Apart from the taste, the color and consistency are similar, but unfortunately the name is already taken. Maybe you can think of something suitable.

An important foreword on “bulk thermal conductivity” and false marketing promises

I am now deliberately prefacing this with two quotes that not only speak to me from the heart, but also absolutely agree with my laboratory measurements. Conventional pastes cannot achieve much more than 4 to 5 W/(m-K) under the usual conditions on a GPU or CPU in terms of layer thickness, temperature and pressure. Because these quotes are honest and unfortunately correspond to reality, I will use this part from now on as a standard quote in all paste tests of all manufacturers and put it in front. You can’t bend physics.

If you are wondering how you can arrive at figures above this limit, you should know that it is perfectly possible to adapt test conditions in such a way that you get close to astronomically high figures. However, testing in a bucket has nothing to do with reality, even if a known measurement method is used. Without knowledge of the exact circumstances, such values are completely misleading and meaningless. You could give many suppliers credit for simply not knowing any better and just copying the OEM’s data sheets, but it doesn’t make misleading consumers any better.

Thermal Grizzly
The mostly theoretically determined thermal conductivity values differ greatly depending on the application, as important factors such as contact pressure, temperature or surface cannot be taken into account uniformly. All our cooling products have therefore no longer given specific thermal conductivity values since the 4th quarter of 2020.We continue to rely on the test results of independent tests and reviews so that our customers can get a more realistic impression of the performance of our products in practice under comparable circumstances.

ARCTIC has made a conscious decision not to provide thermal conductivity values for thermal pastes and thermal pads, as many manufacturers invent, artificially inflate or embellish these values. Thermally conductive paste has a thermal conductivity of 1 to 4 W/mK. Values outside this range, such as 12.5 W/mK, do not correspond to the truth. Many competitors state values above 4 W/mK to suggest better performance. This often leads to false expectations and dissatisfied users…


The previous “reference paste” will only be used for comparisons in the curve diagrams until the automatic, database-based chart generation is ready (soon). Then the best pastes will be used fully automatically for comparison in the charts (can be selected and deselected as with the fans at the time). The Alphacool Apex was and is the tool of choice for me for long-term comparisons, because I have been able to check its behavior for over 12 months. This point will be dropped when we switch to the database.

Real long-term simulations (3000 hours in 1000 cycles up to 90°C) are not feasible in terms of effort. That is why I can only make predictions, but I want them to be understood as such. It is virtually impossible to make scientifically sound statements in just a few days. Yes, you can identify a trend and scale it as a forecast based on existing data, but this is not something that allows you to make really reliable statements. Therefore, I am sorry to say that I have to leave out this important point. However, as far as time permits, I will take community feedback into account and add the comments and long-term experience of third parties to the database as a note in due course, if it seems necessary. In both a positive and negative sense. However, this is a subjective value that has no place in a comparative database.


In addition to the paste, the Kryonaut comes with one or two rubber nozzles as applicators, at least in my large family pack. The initiate likes to use glasses cleaning cloths for cleaning, which are much cheaper in comparison to offers from the computer trade. So you can easily get over the fact that nothing is included here. 🙂

The new Paste X does not yet have any packaging, I only have a standard screw-top jar for internal use. The paste is still a small series and was therefore produced at Thermal Grizzly in Germany. But it will also be my pleasure to test the finished mass-produced product later on.

Technical data

Let’s leave the marketing aside and look at the technical data of this paste, which is available in various containers and sizes. We can see that the information on thermal conductivity is missing (red). The green shaded columns contain my measured values, the gray shaded columns contain the completely missing manufacturer’s data.

Technical data Cryonaut
Paste X
Bulk thermal conductivity λ n/a
  Test method ASTM D5470-17
Effective thermal conductivity λeff, 3.272 W/(m-K) 4.886 W/(m-K)
Effective thermal resistance Rth 400 µm 1.28913 cm²K/W 0.89973 cm²K/W
Effective thermal resistance Rth 200 µm 0.67836 cm²K/W 0.50921 cm²K/W
Effective thermal resistance Rth 100 µm 0.37324 cm²K/W 0.30650 cm²K/W
Effective thermal resistance Rth min 0.14415 cm²K/W 0.14358 cm²K/W
Minimum layer thickness (60 PSI, 30 minutes)
7 µm 14 µm
Thermally conductive particles Zinc oxide (ZnO), aluminum oxide (AL2O3), silicone matrix (LIBS, Keyence EA-300)
Volatilization rate (volatilization) n/a
Density n/a
Viscosity n/a
Working temperature n/a
Breakdown voltage n/a
Contact resistance n/a
Maximum pressure n/a
Color light gray medium gray
Paste, rubber applicators n/a
Tube 1 g, 5.5 g, 11.1 g, 37 g n/a

Further links and basics

Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut Wärmeleitpaste, 1g (TG-K-001-RS)

alza.deAuf Lager; Lieferzeit: 2 Werktage7,89 €*Stand: 18.07.24 10:38
Procooling1-3 Werktage7,90 €*Stand: 18.07.24 10:55
nullprozentshop.desiehe Shop7,90 €*Stand: 18.07.24 09:45
*Alle Preise inkl. gesetzl. MwSt zzgl. Versandkosten und ggf. Nachnahmegebühren, wenn nicht anders beschriebenmit freundlicher Unterstützung von

Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut Wärmeleitpaste, 5.55g/1.5ml (TG-K-015-R)

MindfactoryBestellt, wird in 3 Werktagen erwartetStand: 18.07.24 11:1918,89 €*Stand: 18.07.24 11:20
nullprozentshop.desiehe Shop18,90 €*Stand: 18.07.24 09:45
Caseking.deLagernd18,90 €*Stand: 18.07.24 10:46
*Alle Preise inkl. gesetzl. MwSt zzgl. Versandkosten und ggf. Nachnahmegebühren, wenn nicht anders beschriebenmit freundlicher Unterstützung von

Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut Wärmeleitpaste, 11.1g/3ml (TG-K-030-R)

Computerxtreme.deLagernd24,89 €*Stand: 18.07.24 02:04
Caseking.deLagernd24,90 €*Stand: 18.07.24 10:46
alza.deAuf Lager; Lieferzeit: 2 Werktage26,90 €*Stand: 18.07.24 10:38
*Alle Preise inkl. gesetzl. MwSt zzgl. Versandkosten und ggf. Nachnahmegebühren, wenn nicht anders beschriebenmit freundlicher Unterstützung von

Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut Wärmeleitpaste, 37g (TG-K-100-R)

Procooling1-3 Werktage67,90 €*Stand: 18.07.24 10:55
Proshop.deVerfügbar - 5-7 Werktage Lieferzeit68,23 €*Stand: 18.07.24 11:20
neon24.deIm Außenlager verfügbar68,60 €*Stand: 18.07.24 10:20
*Alle Preise inkl. gesetzl. MwSt zzgl. Versandkosten und ggf. Nachnahmegebühren, wenn nicht anders beschriebenmit freundlicher Unterstützung von



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1,119 Kommentare 877 Likes

Na da wird sich der Roman aber freuen. Fast gleichauf mit dem Spitzenreiter. In Kombi mit X-Apply und wenn der Preis stimmen sollte, nimmt man doch gerne die nationalen Produkte. Wann soll es denn soweit sein?

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1,704 Kommentare 1,041 Likes

@Igor Wallossek : wenn die neue Paste von TG dann offiziell erscheint, würde mich ein Interview von Dir mit Roman zum Thema "so haben wir die neue Paste entwickelt" interessieren. So ein Gespräch wäre doch interessant! Wobei mir auch klar ist, daß er genügend Geschäftsgeheimnisse für sich behalten muß, daß es nicht gleich jeder nachmachen kann. Aber, fragen kann ich ja mal 😄.

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Igor Wallossek


10,494 Kommentare 19,670 Likes

Ich habe aber nichts entwickelt, ich bin nur die finale Messinstanz. An dieser Paste selbst habe ich also null Anteil. Aber sie ist gelungen. :)

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Gregor Kacknoob


537 Kommentare 449 Likes

Richtig gutes Zeug. Aber die Preise ... :S

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Igor Wallossek


10,494 Kommentare 19,670 Likes

Ich denke mal, wenn er mit 5 Euro/g einsteigt, ist das durchaus ok. Gern weniger. Falls sie selbst herstellen (er baut ja gerade in DE was auf) fallen ja die OEM-Kosten weg.

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1,427 Kommentare 1,446 Likes

Wir sagen hier in Frankreich des öfteren : „les inconvénients des avantages“
Situationsbedingt oder Objektbezogen meinen wir damit: „Hat die Vorteile ihrer Kehrseite“.

Mir sind langlebige und konstant abliefernde Pasten lieber, als ein kurzer Moment der Freude der ersten Benchmarkergebnisse.
Wenn ich dann demnächst zum Ende meiner AMD4 Plattform, einen 3DProzessor einbauen werde, kommt da keine „Silikonpaste“ drauf.

Da ist es doch kein Problem, die Paste einmal durch das Wasserbad zu ziehen, damit das Auftragen keine Probleme bereitet.
Bin gespannt auf die weiteren Testreihen.

Danke Igor :)

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443 Kommentare 202 Likes

Nach den durchaus interessanten Test's würde mich mal interessieren, wie sich Igor die ideale Paste vorstellen würde, wenn er selber in den Markt wie Roman einsteigen wöllte.

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Igor Wallossek


10,494 Kommentare 19,670 Likes

Als einfach zu applizierendes Pad mit einem haltbaren Polymer... :)

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443 Kommentare 202 Likes

Das dachte ich mir... Für CPU/GPU....
Schluss mit der Pamperei

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362 Kommentare 318 Likes

Amen. Kann dem kurzzeitigen Pasten-Benchmarkhype nichts abgewinnen.
Pampe drauf, fire and forget.

Hat mit meiner Noctua Paste beim 3570K 10 Jahre lang funktioniert. :'D

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Igor Wallossek


10,494 Kommentare 19,670 Likes

Die Polymere sind mittlerweile richtig fortgeschritten, da muss mal was passieren. Solche Pads passen auch nicht immer, vor allem nicht auf kleinere und/oder gekrümte Flächen. Aber bei GPU oder CPU sehe ich eher Pads im Kommen. Ohne Paste wirds nicht gehen, aber das Desaster, wie auf den Grafikkarten, ist ein NoGo

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443 Kommentare 202 Likes

View image at the forums

Ich hätte diese 3 für einen Test zur Verfügung gestellt. Problem allerdings: es waren beigaben zu CPU-Kühlern, alle lagern mindestens 3 Jahre bei mir. Wenn es trotzdem interessant ist brauche ich nur noch eine Adresse

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About the author

Igor Wallossek

Editor-in-chief and name-giver of igor'sLAB as the content successor of Tom's Hardware Germany, whose license was returned in June 2019 in order to better meet the qualitative demands of web content and challenges of new media such as YouTube with its own channel.

Computer nerd since 1983, audio freak since 1979 and pretty much open to anything with a plug or battery for over 50 years.

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