Motherboard Practice Reviews System

Saved the best for last? – MSI MEG Z590 Unify-X review with teardown and overclocking

The already mentioned heatsinks for the M.2 slots can be removed relatively easily with two captive and one completely removable Phillips screw. It features 4 M.2 slots, divided in half into 80 mm and 110 mm. The upper one is only functional with RKL CPUs and then directly connected to the CPU with PCIe 4.0 x4. Depending on the BIOS settings, the second and third slot can either be supplied via the chipset, together with the SATA ports, or directly via the CPU, in which case the PCIe x16 slot only operates in x8. The lower M.2 slot shares its bandwidth with the lower PCIe slot through the chipset as well. I put the instructions with the diagrams at the end of the page. 😉

Removing the chipset and VRM cooler is also relatively quick, with two screws per assembly from the back of the motherboard. Here MSI also integrates two aluminum strips with thermal pads for stabilization and better cooling of the power supply.

The heatsink consists of two aluminum blocks connected by a 10 mm heat pipe. In addition, various slots and recesses are worked into the two elements to increase the surface area and, in the case of the IO cover, even act as a convection tunnel if the motherboard is installed vertically. Fortunately, active fans are completely omitted here. Good thing, because the cooling solution makes a very competent impression even without noise sources.

The VRM or power supply is arranged as usual in an L-shape around the socket, with a total of 19 Smart Power Stages. 16 of them provide the CPU core and cache voltage, 2 provide the iGPU voltage and 1 supplies the System Agent.

The latter also uses another component labeled “BKU0”, being an AOZ5312UQI 60 A DrMOS element from Alpha & Omega Semiconductor. The remaining power stages here are all ISL99390 90 A SPS components from Renesas. They are controlled by an ISL69269 10-phase PWM controller, also from Renesas, which we already know from all other Z590 XOC boards we have looked at so far.

On the backside there are 8 PWM doublers, ISL6617A devices with the label “17AF”, also from Renesas. This results in 8 x 2 phases for Vcore + 2 phases for Vgt (iGPU), so that the 10 phases of the PWM controller are fully utilized. The advertised “16 + 2 +1” are as so often unfortunately also not quite correct, “8 x2 Vcore + 2 Vgt + 1 Vsa” it should correctly read.

The smaller voltages VCCIO and VCCIO 2 are each powered by a pair of “BDVN 278” and “7133 VSWR” mosfets, but I couldn’t find the exact manufacturer name. Overall, the power supply makes a very high-quality impression, with more than enough power reserves for any kind of overclocking of an LGA1200 chip and a completely passive cooling solution on top.





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Tenchi Muyo


18 Kommentare 2 Likes

Habe seit gestern das Board und konnte bisher die 32 G.Skill 4400 CL17 - 1 Stunde GSAT stabil laufen lassen (nur XMP geladen)
mit dem 10900K.

Selbst das Asus Apex XII und XIII machen Probleme die 4400Mhz 100% stabil zu bekommen.

Sonst macht das Board einen echt guten und soliden Eindruck (habe auch das MEG Z590 Godlike),
und bietet echt eigentlich alles was man braucht.

Der 10900K kann 3 der 4 NVMe Slots benutzen, jede Menge USB Anschlüsse und auch iGPU
sowie die Aufteilung der PCIE Slots ist 1A.

Die Grafikkarte bleibt schön weit weg von der CPU (y)

Melde mich wieder wenn ich erste Ergebnisse habe.

Antwort 1 Like

Igor Wallossek


10,840 Kommentare 20,534 Likes

Dann schaun' wir mal 🙂

Antwort Gefällt mir

Tenchi Muyo


18 Kommentare 2 Likes

Moin moin,

4533 Mhz 17-17-37 @1,50v vccio & vccsa 1,30v
erstmal nur teiloptimiert dafür aber 4 Stunden GSAT stabil!

View image at the forums

Das sind für mich absolute höchstwerte 4.266 bzw. 4.300 16-16-36 (auf dem Z490 Godlike)
war das höchste der Gefühle - weiß gar nicht mehr welches Kit das war...
...die 4400 CL17 auf jeden Fall nicht die liefen sehr schlecht (Apex XII & XIII) - da konnte ich den Takt absenken und trotzdem
wollten die nicht laufen..

tWRRD_sg und _dg muss ich noch weiter testen hatte die abgesenkt (28/23) da wollte das
Board nicht korrekt booten.

Antwort Gefällt mir

Tenchi Muyo


18 Kommentare 2 Likes

Wer noch schnell ist bekommt bei Alternate das Board für €302,- inkl. Versand.

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Xaver Amberger (skullbringer)

