Audio/Peripherals Mouse Reviews

Steelseries Prime Mini Wireless Mouse Review – Familiar in a small guise

Disclaimer: The following article is machine translated from the original German, and has not been edited or checked for errors. Thank you for understanding!


And this is how the mouse sounds when used normally on a mouse pad, the volume was digitally increased by +15 dB afterwards.

Alternate left and right click:

Alternate side keys:

Scroll wheel and middle mouse button:


Summary and conclusion

With the last wireless mouse that I tested, the battery life or the constant charging bothered me a lot. So how’d it go here? Clearly better says my feeling and the clock! The almost 100 hours runtime without LEDs is good, but thanks to deactivation during movement and otherwise very restrained illumination, it doesn’t look much worse with the LED in the mouse wheel. In addition, the mouse switches to standby mode after a definable period of time to save even more energy. You can wake them up from this with a mouse click, but then you have to accept a small delay. If you miss the warning red light when the battery level is below 5%, you’ll have enough juice for 15 hours of gaming in just 15 minutes thanks to the quick-charge technology.

Equipped like this, wireless operation runs pleasantly smooth, but the little mouse itself couldn’t quite convince me. But that wasn’t for technical reasons, it was more about missing the target audience. For me, a mouse can be a little bigger and a cable does not bother me at first. However, it should be said that there is also a wired version of the mouse, which is also much cheaper.

Considering the rather high price of the Prime Mini Wireless, you really have to know that it absolutely has to be a wireless, small gaming mouse. Will the pocket money of the young players be enough? On the other hand, the range of small gaming mice isn’t too big either, so a little more choice certainly can’t hurt. Whether the wallet is big enough and the hand small enough to justify a purchase, everyone must then decide for themselves at this point.

The test sample was provided by X without obligation. There was and is no influence on the tests and results. There was also no compensation for expenses and no obligation to publish.

SteelSeries Prime Mini schwarz, USB (62421)

voelkner.deAuf Lager, Lieferzeit 1-2 Werktage65,05 €*Stand: 06.10.24 08:47
speedcubeslagernd66,09 €*Stand: 06.10.24 09:20
AlternateAuf Lager69,99 €*Stand: 06.10.24 09:09
*Alle Preise inkl. gesetzl. MwSt zzgl. Versandkosten und ggf. Nachnahmegebühren, wenn nicht anders beschriebenmit freundlicher Unterstützung von


SteelSeries Prime Mini Wireless schwarz, USB (62426)

galaxus5-8 Werktage53,94 €*Stand: 06.10.24 09:14
Caseking.deLagernd84,90 €*Stand: 06.10.24 08:47
e-tec.atVersandlager: ca. 2-3 Werktagen versandbereit, Lieferzeit 3-4 WerktageLinz, Salzburg, Wels: 2-3 WerktageZentrale Timelkam: ca. 2 WerktageDornbirn, Graz Nord, Graz Süd, Innsbruck, Klagenfurt, St. Pölten, Villach, Wien 15, Wien 20, Wr. Neustadt: 1 WocheStand: 06.10.24 09:0092,15 €*Stand: 06.10.24 09:03
*Alle Preise inkl. gesetzl. MwSt zzgl. Versandkosten und ggf. Nachnahmegebühren, wenn nicht anders beschriebenmit freundlicher Unterstützung von


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About the author

Tim Kutzner

Supporting force on cooler, periphery and 3D printing arcticles.
Linux novice and wanna-be datahorder with DIY NAS.

