Audio/Peripherals Headsets Reviews

Sharkoon B2 USB Gaming Headset – Successful upgrade to the predecessor?

Disclaimer: The following article is machine translated from the original German, and has not been edited or checked for errors. Thank you for understanding!

Comparison to the Sharkoon B1

As I mentioned at the beginning, there were a few things to criticize about the predecessor B1, and at first glance, Sharkoon seems to have started right there.

  • Instead of the PU ear pads, there is now soft fabric that prevents the ears from heating up.
  • In addition, the joints on the earpieces make for a much more comfortable fit, as the headset can adapt much better to the shape of the wearer’s head.
  • The simple wired remote control has been replaced by an inline controller that allows you to control virtually all of the headset’s functions conveniently and intuitively. For the I would have liked another mounting clip.
  • The mic is still a bit muffled on the B2, but picks up sibilants satisfactorily and is no longer as bass-heavy.
  • The new 50mm driver is a significant upgrade over its predecessor.




All in all, the Sharkoon B2 is a successful evolutionary step and I’m glad to see that they seem to have specifically addressed Igor’s criticisms of the predecessor. Of course, we are still dealing with a 50 Euro headset from the entry-level class – you can’t expect high fidelity. However, the question in the price range is always: Is the test object cheap, inexpensive or good value for money? The headset doesn’t look cheap, because it is neatly manufactured, feels good and also offers a very high wearing comfort. Cheap? It all depends on the price range you are looking for and the 50 Euro range is a very competitive market with a lot of junk on offer! You really have to take a closer look. The most difficult part, however, I see in the judgment whether a headset is really worth the price called. And that is the case with the B2.

On the one hand, I get an absolutely solid headset for less than 50 euros, which I can also use very flexibly (USB/TRRS/jack). In that respect, I think the B2 is already a pretty well-rounded package. On the other hand, for 20 euros more I would get a HyperX Cloud II, which for me is still the most comfortable headset of all time under 100 euros and is superior to the B2 in practically all disciplines. Except for the microphone, which is very quiet in the Cloud II. Now 20 Euro surcharge may not seem much, but you have to be aware of the fact that in this specific case it’s a whopping 40% more!

If you have a budget of a maximum of 50€, then you will definitely be served quite well with the B2. The thrifty person might wait for one of the many promotions, where you can occasionally pick up such a headset for about 40 euros – then you can even talk about a price-performance hit. If you only take the RRP as a benchmark, that it is still a real money-saving tip and anything but just colorful bling-bling gadgetry.


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About the author

Alexander Brose

