Search Results For - GPU

AMD Radeon HD 5850 and HD 6950 revived – cleaning, assembly and the hunt for old records | Time travel

After a good year of dealing with current and competitive hardware and hanging out in the overclocker community, my current focus is on older graphics cards of the Radeon HD series for DirectX 11 applications. For this, I always give myself a budget of up to about 20 Euros, look what I can get used on the net for it and try to set new records with [...]

Is the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 Ti intended as a learning object for their board partners and upcoming Lovelace or does the PCI SIG even put the brakes on?

Once again: On Hold. This short information from most sources about the GeForce RTX 3090 Ti coincides with the current situation: Date unknown. Of course, it’s no secret that the cards have actually been ready for a long time, but a few details that could be picked up from the various board partners (AIC) are quite spicy. A few weeks ago, in [...]

Supercool Computers Direct-Die waterblock and delid tool for Intel Alder Lake Review| Intel Core i9-12900K in Pain

Ever smaller manufacturing processes lead to ever higher thermal densities in CPUs and GPUs. This is one of the reasons why Intel’s new Alder Lake CPUs run so hot that every air cooler almost has no chance with a big i9, no matter how many watts of waste heat it is designed for. The often cited bottleneck lies further up the cooling chain [...]

Depth examination of thermal paste (ArcticMX-4): Searching for snake oil with scanning electron microscope and X-ray spectroscopy. What’s inside?

To describe it in detail, otherwise the headline would have been too long: Today, we will use the field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) to analyze in more detail what is really inside one of the most popular (and also cheaper) thermal pastes in the form of the Arctic MX-4. The [...]

OGS break 3DMark Firestrike world records with an RX 6900XT – unlocked with MorePowerTool and Elmorlabs EVC2SX | News

If you know OGS, you won’t be surprised to hear that the Greek overclocking team has once again set new world records, this time with an AMD Radeon RX 6900 XT GPU using MorePowerTool, an Elmorlabs EVC2SX and of course lots of liquid nitrogen. Stavros and Phil managed to overclock the GPU to an unbelievable 3310 MHz and thus topped various [...]