Search Results For - ram overclocking software

Skylake-X review: Intel Core i9-7900X and the X299 platform

Introduction Intel's new X-Series consists of i5, i7, and reissued i9 processors, all of which require the same X299 chipset that comes with the LGA2066 socket. The S-series processors will continue to be used with the 200 chipset. In some applications and games, we've encountered performance trends that didn't match our expectations [...]

Reason Pack: KFA2 / Galax GTX 1080 Ti EXOC in review

In contrast to the ex-factory very high overclocked EVGA GTX 1080 Ti FTW3 Gaming, KFA2 / Galax is a deliberate use of reason and mediocrity, so that two fans on this rather slim dual slot card should be enough. In general, the... The board is a good old acquaintance and comes directly from Nvidia. This in turn confirms that it is simply an [...]

Hot Flat man: KFA2 / Galax GTX 1070 Katana in test

And no, it's not a flat joke that Galax / KFA2 presents to us here in the form of the GeForce GTX 1070 Katana. Speaking of Katana: This name is now almost a running gag, because you can find Katana or Shinken (not ham!), so d... The board at a glance If you remove the cooler, we see a very short board with 17.3 cm, in which all voltage [...]

Dual-slot design: EVGA GTX 1080 Ti FTW3 Gaming in review

In contrast to Asus and Gigabyte, which have also changed to 2.5 slot designs for the cooler, EVGA (and fans of a narrow structure) stays true to itself with the GTX 1080 Ti FTW3 Gaming and squeezes the technical possibilities of the ... The board at a glance Now let's look at the board, a look that is definitely worth it. Of course, the most [...]

Sufficient Wadlbeißer: AMD Radeon RX 550 in test

The Radeon RX 550 is actually the only one of AMD's now-launched graphics cards to be truly new and runs internally as Polaris 12. It is clearly aimed at the entry-level area for less than 100 euros and thus occupies a market niche in which Nvid... Appearances, dimensions and connections The card, which is very light with 282 grams, is only 15 [...]

AMD Radeon RX 570: the little blonde with the black soul

But what can the new edition offer (more)? After all, the GPU itself is not a real new development, but only the continuation of what AMD started with "Ellesmere" and Polaris 10 last year. Since our launch article "AM... Power supply and layout The board is a simple multi-layer design by Asus and differs significantly from the old [...]

AMD Ryzen 5 1600X and 1500X – light and shadow in duet

The Ryzen 5 1600X and 1500X presented today (and tested) are actually no longer really new, because we find the same archtitecure in the whole CPUs of the Ryzen 7 family. Who knows about AMD's new architecture again ... Benchmarks in Full HD (1920 x 1080 pixels) This time we have deliberately made a slightly different selection of games, which [...]

The large Radeon RX480 test roundup (Update)

Endless Roundup and Depth Testing Many will of course wonder why we made the roundup for the Radeon RX480 only now, or why we did the roundup for the Radeon RX480. have begun. But firstly, we have fundamentally changed the division of labour within the editorial office, as well as new... Apart from the fact that AMD appears at the front in the [...]