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MediaTek and NVIDIA to launch AI-powered PC SoC by the end of 2025: Integration planned by Lenovo, Dell, HP and ASUS

NVIDIA and MediaTek are working together on a new AI PC SoC, which is expected to be released in the second half of 2025. This chip is to be integrated into the product lines of well-known OEM manufacturers such as Lenovo, Dell, HP and ASUS. The collaboration between the two companies aims to serve the growing market for AI-enabled PCs and offer new hardware solutions.


Rumors of a MediaTek chip specially developed for AI PCs have been circulating for some time. According to media reports, the cooperation with NVIDIA is a logical consequence of developments in recent years, as both companies are increasingly focusing on artificial intelligence. NVIDIA, primarily known for its graphics processing units (GPUs), is contributing its knowledge in the field of graphics acceleration, while MediaTek is using its expertise as a major manufacturer of mobile chips. The aim of this cooperation is to develop a system-on-chip (SoC) that is geared towards the special requirements of AI-based applications in PCs.

A leaker on Weibo claiming to be a “mobile chip expert” recently reported that the NVIDIA x MediaTek chip has already reached the tape-out stage, meaning that chip development is well advanced. The planned release in the second half of 2025 indicates that the product is currently in the final stages of development. Although there is no official information on the technical specifications of the chip yet, it is assumed that it will be based on TSMC’s 3nm technology and use ARM architecture. In addition, NVIDIA could integrate a next-generation integrated GPU (iGPU) into the chip to optimize its performance.

The collaboration between NVIDIA and MediaTek is not limited to the PC market. Both companies are already working together in the automotive sector, in particular on MediaTek’s Dimensity car chip range. This partnership in the automotive sector could provide valuable experience that can now be incorporated into the development of the AI PC chip.

The growing market for AI PCs offers companies such as NVIDIA and MediaTek the opportunity to develop new solutions tailored to the needs of modern computer users. This chip could be particularly important for applications that require machine learning or AI processes. Current competitors in this market are Qualcomm with its Snapdragon X Elite and Intel with its Lunar Lake mobile chips. These products also offer support for AI functions and rely on powerful processors in combination with integrated graphics solutions. NVIDIA and MediaTek are therefore entering an already competitive market in which established companies are already present.

The leaker’s report also mentions the interest of major OEM manufacturers such as Lenovo, Dell, HP and ASUS in the new SoC. These manufacturers could integrate the chip into their PCs immediately after the market launch, which would ensure the availability of the product in the broad market segment. This kind of support from well-known companies shows that the chip could have some relevance in the AI PC market.

The new AI PC SoC from NVIDIA and MediaTek gives consumers another option when it comes to AI-enabled computing solutions. This could lead them to turn away from traditional vendors such as Intel and Qualcomm and consider new suppliers instead. The chip could be optimized specifically for AI applications, making it attractive to professional users who rely on machine learning or data-intensive processes. Nevertheless, it remains to be seen how the chip will fare against the competition and what performance advantages it can offer over existing solutions.

To summarize, the cooperation between NVIDIA and MediaTek aims to create a new product for the AI PC market. It remains to be seen how this partnership will develop and whether the new SoC will play a significant role in the next generation of PCs. There is still time before the official market launch in the second half of 2025, but developments so far suggest that both companies are taking serious steps towards AI-enabled PCs.

Source: Weibo


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Diese Zusammenarbeit von Mediatek und Nvidia wird scheinbar auch stark von ARM und, angeblich/wahrscheinlich auch von Microsoft unterstützt. ARM hat ja noch eine Rechnung bzw einen Rechtsstreit offen mit Qualcomm über den Lizenzstatus der Oryon Kerne mit Gerichtstermin im November, und sowohl ARM als auch Nvidia sind auch sonst nicht gut auf Qualcomm zu sprechen. Qualcomm war eine der lautesten Parteien, die bei den Wettbewerbsbehörden gegen den Kauf von ARM durch Nvidia protestiert hatten, was dann den Deal am Ende auch platzen ließ.
Auf die ersten Mediatek SoCs mit iGPU und NPU von Nvidia SoCs bin ich schon gespannt. Was ein bisschen schade ist: die ganzen Neuentwicklungen sind bis jetzt alle für mobile Geräte vorgesehen. Eine wirklich starke APU mit vielen großen Cortex-X Kernen und großer Nvidia GeForce iGPU wär doch auch interessant im Desktop.

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69 Kommentare 25 Likes

Klingt ja spannend.
Was ich nicht so verstehe.
KI Fähige PCs sind dann wie Skynet?

Apple hat es mit dem Macbook Air M1 vorgemacht.
Lautlos, ordentlich Leistung usw
Sowas einfach nur günstiger.

Dann eben verschiedene Ausbaustufen.
Ich nutze aktuell ein A300 mit 4350G und Noctua Lüfter, steht vor mir und höre es recht selten.
Daran ist 3440x1440p @ 100hz und 3440x1440p @ 144hz
War halt nicht günstig der A300 und braucht etwas Wartung.

Am Ende wird es ein Co Prozessor der auf alles Zugriff hat und wenn Abo abläuft, sperrt er alles bis man zahlt.

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About the author

Samir Bashir

