GPUs Graphics Practice Reviews

Kinked with 600 Watts: be quiet! 12V-2×6 / 12VHPWR 90° Angled Cable Review

Load test and temperatures

I deliberately don’t test the Asus card in the case in the first run, but at a room temperature of 25 °C. This makes it easier to recognize the deltas between the board and connector temperature and I can also measure better. Of course, once I was sure that nothing bad would happen, I also installed the card in the private PC and swapped the 90° CableMod adapter v. 1.1 for the angled cable from be quiet! As I can’t get into the housing with the IR camera (the cable is bent downwards), the usual glued-on or plugged-in K-sensors will have to do the job again.

Important to know: Yes, you can raise the Asus card’s power limit to 600 watts. However, only a maximum of 563 watts really go through the 12V-2×6 connection, the rest is supplied via the PCIe slot. This is a fact that has often annoyed me when people talk about 600 watts at the connector. But neither the Strix nor NVIDIA’s Founders Edition can do that!

After 30 minutes of Furmark, the cables reach a temperature of 54 °C (K-sensor) in the open setup, with the board under the header approaching 60 °C (ground area of the Gnd pins around 3 degrees less). The housing of the angle connector is between 45 °C (IR) and 52 °C (K-sensor inside).

When installed in the case and properly ventilated in the Fractal Meshify 2 XL, all temperatures rise by an average of 10 to 20 degrees. This is nothing that could be harmful in any way, but unfortunately it also proves that one or two problems with other adapters, cables or the CableMod adapter are more likely to be due to insufficient ventilation (and therefore cooling). When I run the case and radiator fans at around 1000 rpm, the board temperature rises to over 80 °C and at the plus pins it is already over 87 °C. This reduces the delta to a very low level. This already reduces the delta to a very low 18 degrees up to the defined maximum temperature of the connector, which was also not approved for continuous operation!

I still have the prototype of a CableMod adapter with a shutdown device at 105 °C in the remaining stock here and have tested it against the 600 watt Strix. At around 600 rpm of the four case fans and half an hour of Furmark, it shut down and switched off, which was to be expected. It is interesting to note that the 90° angle cable performs exactly the same as the normal 16-pin cable from be quiet! that came with the power supply as an accessory, if you stick to the bending radius.

The distance to the side panel also plays a very important role! And I have to put it bluntly: If you can’t manage the required 3 to 4 cm for a normal bending radius of a standard power cable, you are definitely using the wrong case for a 600 watt card like this and, to a certain extent, are even partly to blame for the connector problem! I’ll show you a diagram from an older article of mine that dealt with the air movement and distribution between the graphics card and the case, because the topic is anything but new!

Even if two normal 6 2 pin connectors were used here – the principle is still the same. Around 30% of the hot exhaust air returns to the intake fans if the distance falls below 4 cm and remains in the circuit! Convection doesn’t help because the air flow is too strong. This is precisely the crux of the matter with these aquarium housings, as they are usually designed to be thermodynamically inadequate. The fact that the 12V-2×6 connector, which is so tightly dimensioned and has far too little headroom, then melts away like a vanilla ice cream at noon on the beach in Dubai should come as no surprise to anyone.

Summary and conclusion

The 90° angle cable from be quiet! (CH-7710) performs just as well as the native cable supplied with the power supply units, but reduces the bending radius considerably! With an external length of the plugged-in connector of only 2 cm, the radius can be reduced to around 1 cm. This is very good and, above all, a technically convincing and clean solution. Unfortunately, Asus cards with the flip header and upright structure (riser), where the cable then points towards the case wall, are not possible. As be quiet! does not offer a mirrored version for technical reasons, this is of course an exclusion criterion for affected users.

If you install your card horizontally and plug it directly into the motherboard, you will have to live with the fact that the cable is routed upwards. Whether you like that or not is up to you. Everyone can decide for themselves. So much for the limitations, because otherwise the right-angle connector behaves like a native, straight cable. This is precisely why it gets the Editor’s Choice from me for its technical implementation. However, I will not be giving it a purchase recommendation. However, this has nothing to do with this angled cable or be quiet!, but is due to the 12V-2×6 connector, which was simply standardized in a pointless way. I can’t make any general recommendations for this, as the reasons are well known.

However, I would recommend buying this cable as long as all the circumstances, such as the housing and ventilation of the card and a maximum load of 400 to 450 watts at the connector, are suitable, because the cable is better than the original adapter from NVIDIA. I would go that far without being accused of any bias. None of this changes the shortcomings of this connection, but it does alleviate the symptoms measurably. I had expected nothing less and I will be using this cable, alongside the CableMod prototype with the 105-degree cut-off device, in the test system from now on.

be quiet! 12V-2x6 / 12VHPWR 90° REVERSED Cable PCI-E (BC073)

MindfactoryLagernd, Lieferung 1-2 WerktageStand: 17.09.24 10:5314,49 €*Stand: 17.09.24 11:00
reichelt.deab Lager14,50 €*Stand: 17.09.24 10:24
nullprozentshop.desiehe Shop15,69 €*Stand: 17.09.24 10:52
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239 Kommentare 194 Likes

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Igor Wallossek


10,840 Kommentare 20,534 Likes

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Igor Wallossek


10,840 Kommentare 20,534 Likes

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Igor Wallossek


10,840 Kommentare 20,534 Likes

Wenn es mit dem Flip-Header geht, gehen die richtigen auch.

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About the author

Igor Wallossek

Editor-in-chief and name-giver of igor'sLAB as the content successor of Tom's Hardware Germany, whose license was returned in June 2019 in order to better meet the qualitative demands of web content and challenges of new media such as YouTube with its own channel.

Computer nerd since 1983, audio freak since 1979 and pretty much open to anything with a plug or battery for over 50 years.

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