GPUs Graphics Reviews

Gigabyte GTX 1070 Ti G1 Gaming – Light and slightly pretentious but cool

Compared to many others who have simply adopted the board and cooler of the GeForce GTX 1080, Gigabyte relies on the revised design of the GeForce GTX 1070 G1 Gaming. In terms of performance, this board is more than sufficient, only for cooling... Gigabyte uses the board of the GTX 1070 Ti G1 Gaming for the GTX 1070 Ti G1 Gaming in the second revision. This is very interesting in that gigabytes simply rotated the GPU by 90°, the voltage converters of the GPU to the left and the memory ... Important preliminary remark We had already mentioned it at the beginning that almost exclusively the resulting boost clock rates of each GTX 1070 Ti determine the final performance and thus the so-called GPU lottery and not the manufacturer and model.... Power consumption at different loads The power consumption in the gaming loop is pretty much exactly on the point that Nvidia has set as the power target with 180 watts. In the Torture Loop, the power consumption is also almost exactly on this W... Overclocking The limits of this card are identical to those of competitors with similar Power Target. With an adjustable Power Target of 122%, the card approved almost 215 watts and was already over the voltage and unfortunately also the Pow... Cooling system and backplate Of course, the generated waste heat is directly related to the recorded power, for which the cooling solution is responsible for optimum dissipation. The backplate can even actively help here, because it serves not only... Summary So a lot of effort and effort really did not work to materialize the in-house GeForce GTX 1070 Ti G1 Gaming in this form. Good mediocrity, but at least priced. More seems Gigab...


The limits of this card are identical to those of competitors with similar Power Target. With an adjustable Power Target of 122%, the card approved almost 215 watts and was already slowed down by the voltage and unfortunately also the power. We were able to increase the GPU clock by 200 MHz and the memory clock by 150 MHz to achieve a stable result over a longer period of time.

Temperatures and clock rates

First, we compare the achieved start and end values for temperatures and GPU clock (boost) in tabular form:

Final value
Open Benchtable
GPU Temperatures
29 °C 67 °C
GPU clock 1873 MHz 1784 MHz
Ambient temperature 22 °C 22 °C
Closed Case
GPU Temperatures
30 °C 69 °C
GPU clock 1873 MHz 1759 MHz
Air temperature in the housing 22°C 40°C
OC (Open Benchtable)
GPU temperatures (approx. 2530 rpm) 29 °C 54 °C
GPU clock 2101 MHz 2063 MHz
Ambient temperature 22°C 22°C

Overview Graphs: Temperatures vs. Clock

For better illustrations now again the respective courses considering our timeline of a total of 15 minutes each for the warm-up time.

Thermal analysis of the back of the board

Finally, we consider the thermal analysis of the respective load states.

Gaming and overclocking

We see that pretty much all areas stay cool with the gaming loop, because the airflow is sufficiently dimensioned. However, you try to stay well below 70°C with the GPU so as not to lose too many boost steps.

This also applies to the use in a closed housing, where we average around approx. three degrees higher temperatures.

If we overclock at most, but leave the fans to themselves and close the housing, this draught is sufficient at then approx. 215 watts power consumption to stay at least below 75°C for the GPU. The voltage converters provide approx. 80°C does not pose any risk, especially since you can 3-4° with the backplate mounted.

What is striking, however, is the low storage temperature. Here, the rotation of the entire arrangement by 90° has left full effect. Plus point gigabytes.

The stress test shifts the temperature load more towards memory and memory VRM, but everything stays almost as cool as the gaming loop.

Also in the closed housing, this time it is approx. two degrees more at the neuralgic points, nothing more. And always remember: the backplate removed here also cools down a bit.

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About the author

Igor Wallossek

Editor-in-chief and name-giver of igor'sLAB as the content successor of Tom's Hardware Germany, whose license was returned in June 2019 in order to better meet the qualitative demands of web content and challenges of new media such as YouTube with its own channel.

Computer nerd since 1983, audio freak since 1979 and pretty much open to anything with a plug or battery for over 50 years.

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