
Gaming Headsets: Myth, Truth and How We Test

Due to the constant high response over the last few years, we will once again focus more on gaming headsets. However, many of our tests with more or less positive conclusions have certainly also contributed to the fact that in the... Of sound, waves and lengths The focus is on airborne sound, which is exactly what takes place between the sound source and the human ear. We want to create this sound with our test objects and hear it with our own ears. There... What is spatial hearing? However, the unaffected reproduction of the frequency prectrum is only one side of the coin. We must also assess to the same extent how well individual sound sources can be dissolved and located. The wi... What is Sounding? In order to illustrate what can be done wrong with sounding - i.e. the deliberate falsification of reproduction by under- and over-emphasis of individual frequency ranges - here are two examples. Male vocals Men's games, soldiers, first-person shooters - here we use, of course, a sloping,yes, stiff "Yes, sir!". Let's start from below and look at the basic male voice frequency, which is up at about 150 Hz... Weapons noises are very complex, because in addition to the muzzle bang, there are also air and flight noises and, in the opposite case, reflections. THE weapon sound does not exist and depending on the calibre and direction, each weapon sounds different. Shotgun, ... How and where we test Let's first look at the hardware used before we discuss the specifics of the premises and the measurement: Test System and HardwareMicrophones:- NTI Audio M2211 (with Calibration File)- Shure Beta 181 C... The best is just good enough. This is not, of course, a new and groundbreaking insight, but unfortunately the naked reality again. If you want or need to pay attention to your budget, you will be able to use headphones or headsets designed as linearly as possible...

The best is just good enough. This is not, of course, a new and groundbreaking insight, but unfortunately the naked reality again. If you also want to or need to pay attention to your budget, you will certainly be better off with headphones or headsets designed as linearly as possible, which have sufficient level strength and a useful settling behaviour.

Detailed reproduction and good spatial resolution, even with complex sounds and many simultaneous sound sources, are almost always more important than a (supposedly effect-having) illusion with surround playback. By the way, fine-tuning and adjustments are always done better with the equalizer than if you have to be set to a certain sounding from the outset and thus live immutably.

Good and usable headphones and headsets usually stand and fall above the price, because there are simply no miracle weapons for 10 euros – although of course I would never rule out one or the other pearl. You just have to look for them yourself or trust the right reviews. The marketing promises of the PR departments are a rather bad guide, so it is best to completely hide and read over.

The comparison between a very good dissolving headphones and such a sounding story with built-in skill amplifier is then also clear. While the jet on the left flies clearly structured over the hustle and bustle on the ground, the doughy and over-tested bass makes right of the ground fight an indefinable rumbling. The turbine noises get lost in a completely exaggerated whistle and the broadband air noises go down smoothly.

Where one can still argue perfectly with the surround story, because such a spatial sound illusion is always very subjectively shaped, only a clear thumbs down remains with the exaggerated sounding. The acoustic improvement by the targeted manipulation of levels of different frequency ranges finally belongs mothballed – zeitgeist back and forth. A lot of things are a matter of getting used to and education, but it usually also ends in self-deception, because after that many things just don’t sound the way they should.

Pc-audio is, as always, very subjectively executable and the listening habits and the support of the brain through a more or less pronounced listening experience a very broadly expandable ability. However, gaming headsets will never be really good all-rounders, and in the end, many gamers realize that you can drive much better with good in-ears or a decent stereo headphones with an external microphone (plug-in or as a table-top device).

Then you are also well prepared for music, because if we are honest – whether classical orchestra or Afghanistan and Taliban – the physical laws and biological peculiarities remain the same.


Unfortunately, the addition “gaming” is all too often used to either justify higher prices or to sell actually worse features as features. But there are also laudable exceptions that we want to find in our tests. Today’s little excursion is supposed to show that even games offer very sophisticated sound wallpaper and that the most inconsequential sound is more demanding than you might think.

As always, the rest is purely a matter of interpretation, marketing or simply voodoo. But we already know this all too well from other areas…


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6,933 Kommentare 3,507 Likes

Tipptopp! Dann hoffe ich mal, dass Ihr zukünftig auch alle Kopfhörer in die Kammer sperrt! Mit den diversen „hands on/Auspacker-Tests“ aus der jüngeren Vergangenheit ohne die echten Analysen konnte ich jedenfalls nur wenig anfangen.

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Igor Wallossek


10,563 Kommentare 19,825 Likes

Das ist jedes mal eine echte Zeitfrage und ob das Produkt auch den Aufwand lohnt. Bluetooth geht in der Chamber z.B. gar nicht, da ist soviel Stahl drumrum - Funkstille. Da muss ich tricksen

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About the author

Igor Wallossek

Editor-in-chief and name-giver of igor'sLAB as the content successor of Tom's Hardware Germany, whose license was returned in June 2019 in order to better meet the qualitative demands of web content and challenges of new media such as YouTube with its own channel.

Computer nerd since 1983, audio freak since 1979 and pretty much open to anything with a plug or battery for over 50 years.

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