
Gaming Headsets: Myth, Truth and How We Test

Due to the constant high response over the last few years, we will once again focus more on gaming headsets. However, many of our tests with more or less positive conclusions have certainly also contributed to the fact that in the... Of sound, waves and lengths The focus is on airborne sound, which is exactly what takes place between the sound source and the human ear. We want to create this sound with our test objects and hear it with our own ears. There... What is spatial hearing? However, the unaffected reproduction of the frequency prectrum is only one side of the coin. We must also assess to the same extent how well individual sound sources can be dissolved and located. The wi... What is Sounding? In order to illustrate what can be done wrong with sounding - i.e. the deliberate falsification of reproduction by under- and over-emphasis of individual frequency ranges - here are two examples. Male vocals Men's games, soldiers, first-person shooters - here we use, of course, a sloping,yes, stiff "Yes, sir!". Let's start from below and look at the basic male voice frequency, which is up at about 150 Hz... Weapons noises are very complex, because in addition to the muzzle bang, there are also air and flight noises and, in the opposite case, reflections. THE weapon sound does not exist and depending on the calibre and direction, each weapon sounds different. Shotgun, ... How and where we test Let's first look at the hardware used before we discuss the specifics of the premises and the measurement: Test System and HardwareMicrophones:- NTI Audio M2211 (with Calibration File)- Shure Beta 181 C... The best is just good enough. This is not, of course, a new and groundbreaking insight, but unfortunately the naked reality again. If you want or need to pay attention to your budget, you will be able to use headphones or headsets designed as linearly as possible...

What is Sounding?

To illustrate what can be done wrong with Sounding – i.e. the deliberate falsification of playback by under- and overemphasising individual frequency ranges – here first two exemplary selected headsets. The thick white line indicates the frequency progression of a truly neutral headphones with excellent playback properties.

First, we compare a more average stereo gaming headset with the typical bathtub sound, where basses and heights are significantly overemphasized and present more glow than being. The tip of one kilohertz is also the honeypot for the standard measurements, where the 1 kHz mark is always chosen as the reference point. The red areas indicate the over- and the blue areas the significantly understressed frequency ranges:

According to the marketing specialists, the crowning glory of evolution is supposed to be “real” multi-channel headsets (5.1 or 7.1), which also contain several drivers per headphone and often also a kind of special subwoofer. How such an expensive headset can also be stranded as a sonic submarine, we have already learned in one of our tests:

Why the hell do you sell such sonic failures as gamer periphery? Could it be that it is possible that especially schleich-shooters or wild fighting tumult have their own challenges and that the frequency ranges of the relevant sounds are so narrow-bandthaty that a sounding is really worthwhile? We will go on the search for traces and test exactly that.

But what you need to know: none of the gaming brands really produces themselves. They are all products from large contract manufacturers (ODM) who have almost everything ready in the drawer. In the end, all that remains is the individualization via the optics (changed tooling), special chassis selection, the tuning of the resonant body and the optional damping or insulation, as well as by means of ear pads. Then there’s some cost-down to guarantee the margin. That’s usually it.

Sounding by ear pads

We see in the pictures below an actually excellent HiFi headphones (Meze 99 Neo), which has also been matched in an exemplary way. The damping is exactly right and the workmanship is excellent. The previous model was really enthusiastic with an almost linear reproduction, but the measurement now shows problems with the successor.

Unfortunately, one has managed to create clear dents in the reproduction characteristic by a failed ear pad alone. What was supposed to be progress can quickly go wrong even at this high level. With simple gaming headsets with overflowing bulges and cheap foam with luscious fabric, this looks much worse.

Sounding over a lot of internal volume

But it’s also much worse! Take a really large plastic hollow body, immediately leave out insulation and damping and wait for the things that come along. And they have it in them!

It is a bass bomber of the cruellest kind, because the small chassis is actually not suitable for basses. No level strength, poor settling behavior and extremely exaggerated upper mids and heights. In order to feign a lot of low tone, the range is raised extremely by the 250 Hz. The result is the so-called cardboard sound, which is also known in cheap systems from the local party cellar. Loudly, it rumbles, but a really low tone is not present.

Sounding about fixed resonance bodies

In addition to the appropriately selected driver, as with loudspeakers, you can artificially raise individual frequency ranges in the level with various tricks by selecting the resuscitation ranges of the body appropriately and adjusting the internal structure acoustically. Here the earcup hums along like a bumblebee on Extasy.

The result is actually much more brutal, but at least the center of gravity of the low notes has already slipped down into the upper bass. At least something, but not really nice yet.

Vote instead of upset

There are also positive examples of a sounding system where one tries to eliminate the disadvantages of favorable production and the actustic problem areas of the body. You can use the possibilities offered by the ODM (felt for gluing or steaming the correction openings) in both richtugs: to either raise or lower frequencies.

Here the result is already much better, even if something is missing the bass. But if necessary, there are also sound controllers on the output device.

That’s how Sounding goes right!

There are also really positive examples, such as the QPad QH90, which is actually based on a usable stereo headphones from Takstar, where the finisher appears here as ODM and uses his know-how correctly. In addition to the clean tuning of the resonant body, we also find a very useful damping.

The result isn’t completely linear, but it’s actually just right for gaming. So, or something like that, we would like it, because here the combination of precision, location and a detailed reproduction is always given outside the game world.

We will now see on the next pages how extreme sounding with too many basses and heights beats against a neutrally tuned headset. And that’s almost more interesting than many games!


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Tipptopp! Dann hoffe ich mal, dass Ihr zukünftig auch alle Kopfhörer in die Kammer sperrt! Mit den diversen „hands on/Auspacker-Tests“ aus der jüngeren Vergangenheit ohne die echten Analysen konnte ich jedenfalls nur wenig anfangen.

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Igor Wallossek


10,563 Kommentare 19,825 Likes

Das ist jedes mal eine echte Zeitfrage und ob das Produkt auch den Aufwand lohnt. Bluetooth geht in der Chamber z.B. gar nicht, da ist soviel Stahl drumrum - Funkstille. Da muss ich tricksen

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About the author

Igor Wallossek

Editor-in-chief and name-giver of igor'sLAB as the content successor of Tom's Hardware Germany, whose license was returned in June 2019 in order to better meet the qualitative demands of web content and challenges of new media such as YouTube with its own channel.

Computer nerd since 1983, audio freak since 1979 and pretty much open to anything with a plug or battery for over 50 years.

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