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Everything super or what? The Super Weeks start today on igor’sLAB

Today in the afternoon, they start again, the exciting Super weeks of NVIDIA, and of course, I will fully report on each of the appointments again. Therefore, 3:00 PM is the new 6:00 AM. But why “Super”? In the wonderful, sometimes confusing world of computer hardware, the word “Super” has taken on a graphical, completely ray-traced meaning. It’s no longer just an enhancement of the good, but a magical marketing word that shifts the boundaries of the (im)possible in the world of graphics cards. It’s kind of like the ‘Super Kebab’, where everyone knows it’s the best way to feed hungry tech enthusiasts, spread a pinch of pixels, and a hint of high-end rendering, and to fill the cash register nicely. But what really lies behind this small but powerful word?

Once upon a time, “Super” was a simple superlative word, commonly used to describe a child’s day when they got their favorite ice cream. But now? Now, it’s a titan in the world of technology, a buzzword that makes the hearts of gamers beat faster and simultaneously brings wallets to tears. Imagine walking into a store to buy a new graphics card. You see the standard models and think: “Yes, this is what I need to finally play Cyberpunk 2077 on ultra settings!” But then, in a corner, something mysterious and new sparkles. It’s the “Super” version. Suddenly, the standard model seems so… ordinary and slow.

“Super” promises more performance, more FPS, more of everything. It’s like that piece of cake you don’t really need, but absolutely want because it looks better and adds more to your waistline. But is it really worth it? Is it worth paying the extra price just to see a few more shadows in the virtual world? One might think that “Super” is just a marketing ploy, a clever play on words to make us spend more money on something we don’t really need. But who can resist? In a world where “more” is often equated with “better,” “Super” seems to be the ultimate goal.

But let’s be honest: At the end of the day, it’s just a word. It’s the technology behind it that counts. Whether “Super” or not, the real superpower of a graphics card is its ability to bring our virtual worlds to life, to immerse us in stories we could otherwise never experience. Maybe that’s what’s truly “Super” about the whole thing. So, the next time you’re faced with the choice, always remember: “Super” is nice, but it’s also a sum of all tests and experience that counts. And sometimes, maybe a Super Susi is exactly what you need to dive into your own super virtual reality. See you later today! Just a bit later. Tomorrow, too 🙂


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775 Kommentare 724 Likes

Die Spannungskurve steigt. Super!👍
Mal schauen was die Supermodel‘s so unter dem Kühler tragen. 🤩😉😃

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1,687 Kommentare 1,029 Likes

Zumindest wenn's um Worte geht, hat Intel dann schon vorausschauend agiert: "Ultra". Das fetzt doch, oder 😁 ? Bleibt für AMD noch "Mega" oder "Giga". "Tera" eher nicht, denn das hatten sie schon mal mit "Terascale".

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52 Kommentare 9 Likes

Guten morgen,

Bin gespannt was da so kommt.
Habe eine 2080 super im Arbeits Rechner.
3080 zum Spielen und Momentan keine Lust auf GPUs was echt selten ist 😅

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1,455 Kommentare 1,120 Likes

Und ausgehend von Kraftstoff wäre noch "Ultimate" einen Aufpreis wert. :LOL:

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909 Kommentare 537 Likes

Ist das Normal?
Nö alles Super.

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Igor Wallossek


10,456 Kommentare 19,547 Likes


248 Kommentare 98 Likes


Na da bin ich mal 'super' gespannt :LOL:
Super Ingo, nicht Diesel :giggle:

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312 Kommentare 321 Likes

Na dann können wir ja zum Test/Text noch etwas Mucke dazu hören

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909 Kommentare 537 Likes

Da sind sie wieder, die ersten Händlerangebote von Grafikkarten bei Mindfactory da scheinen die wieder Geld zu wittern.

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Igor Wallossek


10,456 Kommentare 19,547 Likes

Mo-Do hatte ich im Video zur 2080 Super Susi mit drin :D

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1,687 Kommentare 1,029 Likes

Und dann gäbe es noch "Quantum"; - "7900 Quantum" hört sich doch gut an. Quantum bedeutet eigentlich eine sehr kleine Änderung (wär also im Fall hier für AMD auch ehrlich 😀, denn groß was neues werden sie auch nicht bringen), wird aber im alltäglichen Sprachgebrauch für etwas ganz besonderes, nie da gewesenes benutzt. Falls AMD das tatsächlich so machen will: "7900 Quantum™ ". Lisa, your people can talk to my people, let's make a deal 🤝. I'll take my fee in hardware 😁.

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Jean Luc Bizarre


206 Kommentare 133 Likes

Also ich finde auch, dass Intel da den voll viel besseren Begriff gewählt hat. Die höchsten Grafikeinstellungen in Spielen heissen ja auch meisst 'Ultra'.
Denn kann man mit Super-Grafikkarten auch wirklich in Ultra spielen???

...und stellen wir uns mal vor, Nvidia hätte die 4070ti wie wirklich geplant als 4080 herausgebracht
Dann bekämen wir wahrscheinlich jetzt die Uber-Super...

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1,687 Kommentare 1,029 Likes

Nur die nackten Heatspreader.

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2,546 Kommentare 964 Likes

SUPER KNORKE...ich freu mich unbandig😂

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Gregor Kacknoob


534 Kommentare 447 Likes

Beim Anblick des Tschelos bekomme ich direkt Hunger. Fuck it... Popkorn ist alle, heute gibts den besten Reis 🤤

Its all about hype :unsure:

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53 Kommentare 51 Likes

Als Besitzer einer 4080 lässt mich das komplett kalt.
Ob die neue 4080 Super Duper mir egal nun 3-5% schneller ist juckt mich nicht

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20 Kommentare 6 Likes

Super Reis Sack China Umfall Info... Danke ;-)

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3,174 Kommentare 2,108 Likes

Dem Dönermann fehlt die Lederjacke ;)

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53 Kommentare 51 Likes

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About the author

Igor Wallossek

Editor-in-chief and name-giver of igor'sLAB as the content successor of Tom's Hardware Germany, whose license was returned in June 2019 in order to better meet the qualitative demands of web content and challenges of new media such as YouTube with its own channel.

Computer nerd since 1983, audio freak since 1979 and pretty much open to anything with a plug or battery for over 50 years.

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