Audio/Peripherals Furniture Reviews

CORSAIR TC500 LUXE Premium Gaming Chair in test – Super comfortable, but with minor weaknesses.


The TC500 comes in three colors. Only the fabric version will be available on release.

Source: Corsair

At the time of testing, it was not yet known whether other variants would follow. I think pictures speak a thousand words.



Source: Corsair



Source: Corsair



Source: Corsair


Fabric vs. leather

This is certainly a question of faith. While fabric is unlikely to heat up as much as leather, even if it is perforated and your skin doesn’t stick to it, artificial leather is generally easier to clean than fabric. Unfortunately, it is not possible to make a general statement about durability. Depending on the quality, faux leather can “wear out” more quickly than a durable fabric, as you can see here on an old Maxnomic.


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Mit dem TC500 LUXE möchte Corsair die große Kluft zwischen Gaming Stühlen im Rennsitz-Design und sündteuren high-end Bürostühlen schließen. Beim Designprozess wurde der Fokus auf Komfort und Flexibilität gesetzt und ob der mit atmungsaktivem Stoff bezogene Stuhl mehr kann als nur bequem zu sein, lest ihr im Test. Während die ersten Stühle von Corsair noch […] (read full article...)

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About the author

Alexander Brose

