Audio/Peripherals Mouse Reviews

Corsair Katar Pro XT Mouse Review – Adapted for Claw and Fingertips


For the most important piece of technology, a PMW 3391 from PixArt was chosen. Interestingly, there is no data sheet or even a mention from the manufacturer itself for this seemingly custom sensor for Corsair, so I can’t present any further technical specifications for this exact sensor at this point.

However, the naming and the almost insane 18,000 DPI suggest a sensor in the high-end segment. The most likely candidate is the PMW3360DM-T2QU with special firmware. The following are the specifications of the standard version:

For those who are particularly interested, here is the download of the complete data sheet.

Shortly after commissioning, I actually had but already directly problems, there were repeatedly “slowdowns” in the movement. A new firmware than the factory installed version 1.2.20 was not available, the solution brought in the end the change from front USB to the connectors on the mainboard. So far, no other mouse has had such problems. When it’s up and running, though, there’s nothing to complain about.
Tracking is smooth and reliable, and the sensor can easily keep up with fast movements.

The lift-off distance is already good ex-works and can be further improved thanks to calibration in the software, so that in the end I was able to achieve an almost perfect restart of the mouse with minimal shaking.


And with the just mentioned program it continues directly, how should it be different with Corsair runs the entire fine tuning via iCUE. I’ve been using a brand new pre-release version of the new iCUE 4.9.350.0, which continues to be as resource hungry as ever:

Apparently there is a problem with the memory management, because if you run the program minimized in the background, it takes “only” 255 Mbyte of memory. If you then open it in the foreground and adjust a few settings, the load increases quickly, but is not released again after minimizing. Maybe this problem will be solved with an update in the near future. With 1.13 Gbyte of occupied hard disk space, you’re still on a large footing in this aspect, though.

Apart from that, however, the range of functions is good, below is a brief tour:

Unfortunately, the onboard memory can’t save button mappings or macros, only DPI settings, single-color lighting, and the rainbow effect. The surface calibration worked very well for me and even if no noticeable improvement in tracking was possible with it, the lift-off distance could still be improved a bit with it.

With the actually recommended iCUE 3.XX version I had some problems in combination with the Katar Pro XT, the reassignment of the side keys often did not work after a restart. Also, the tray icon menu has resisted disappearing more often than not.

Under the new version there were then no more software problems. Since iCUE 4 was released almost at the same time as the new mouse, end users are not likely to install the old version at all.


Lade neue Kommentare

Tim Kutzner


856 Kommentare 700 Likes

Welchen Grifftyp habt ihr?
Was darf ein Mauspad maximal kosten? :D

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4,882 Kommentare 2,711 Likes

Fingertipp/Claw . Mauspad sollte nicht viel kosten. Für etwas bedrucktes Neopren ist das meistens viel zu teuer.

Edit: First und Third Person Spiele spiele ich mit invertierter y-Achse.

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Tim Kutzner


856 Kommentare 700 Likes

Ehemaliger Joystickspieler?

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4,882 Kommentare 2,711 Likes

Ich glaube es liegt daran das der erste Shooter den ich mit Maus gespielt habe (glaube war Unreal oder das erste UT) einfach so eingetellt war.
Die Shooter vorher ( Wofenstein, Duke, Blood usw ) haben wir nur mit Tastatur gespielt.
Dark Forces haben wir mit Joystik Gespielt :ROFLMAO:.

Hmm und das erste 3D Spiel war FS 1.0 .

Scheint viele gründe zu haben.

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147 Kommentare 93 Likes

Also ich würde mal sagen Grifftyp "Hand" :P

Sorry für die etwas doofe Antwort, aber ich verstehe leider nur Bahnhof. Ich gehöre nicht gerade zu den Leuten, die das Internet (und den PC) als "Neuland" bezeichnen würden, aber wenn es wenigstens einen Verweis/Link zu einer Erklärung gäbe wäre das ganz nett und hilfreich für unsereins, die nicht in der Welt der Anglizismen und/oder Maus-Kunde beheimatet sind :)

Aber ansonsten, danke für den Test und den ausführlichen Bericht.

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4,882 Kommentare 2,711 Likes

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147 Kommentare 93 Likes

Vielen Dank :)

Da kann ich ja nun direkt eine ordentliche Antwort geben: bei mir ist es der Palmgriff.

Und ich bin gleicher Meinung wie @RedF so ein Mouse Pad sollte nicht viel kosten.

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4,882 Kommentare 2,711 Likes

@Sci-Man und alle anderen. Bewegt ihr die Maus dann mit dem ganzen Arm?
Ich bewege die Maus nur mit den Fingern, Links/Rechts kommt noch ein wenig Handgelenk dazu.

Imprinzip könnte eine Maus bei mir so aussehen:

View image at the forums

würde es kaum merken :D

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147 Kommentare 93 Likes

Mit dem Arm würde ich jetzt nicht sagen. Eher so wie Du es beschreibst, über die Finger und das Handgelenk.

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About the author

Tim Kutzner

Supporting force on cooler, periphery and 3D printing arcticles.
Linux novice and wanna-be datahorder with DIY NAS.

