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AMD invests in India: New research and development center for CPUs, GPUs and SOCs

India is repeatedly referred to as the next global “tech hub”, as the region is increasingly seen as an important location for companies. Many large tech companies and startups are emphasizing this mainly due to extensive government incentives, generous tax policies and comparatively cheap labor. Due to these advantages, many industry leaders have already started to set up their research and development facilities in India. Now Team Red has also followed this trend and opened its “biggest ever” research and development center in Bengaluru, India.

The opening was attended by government representatives and Mark Papermaster, Executive Vice President and CTO of AMD. The Technostar campus is a project of Team Red that aims to promote semiconductor development in India and focus on driving innovation to deliver “more efficient computing power” to customers.

We are pleased to inaugurate our largest global design center in Bengaluru today. This investment strengthens our relationship with India and showcases our confidence in the exceptional engineering talent that the country has to offer. This new design center will help propel technology and product development across the AMD portfolio, fueling the next generation of high performance, adaptive and AI computing solutions for our customers around the world.

– AMD’s CTO Mark Papermaster

The Technostar center spans 500,000 square feet of land, making it not only AMD’s largest research and development center, but also plans to hire 3,000 engineers over the next few years to serve as a driver for regional technology developments. The campus will be responsible for advances in CPUs, GPUs, adaptive SoCs and FPGAs for both personal computers and data centers. In addition, the center will have a significant share of professionals and manpower from India, contributing to the ‘Make in India’ policy that has been gaining traction in recent times.

AMD has obviously recognized the potential of the Indian markets. For this reason, the company has already partnered with Indian telecom companies to offer its networking expertise using Xilinx IPs.


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315 Kommentare 184 Likes

Klare Sache. Indien stärken und binden (Ein Ring, sie zu knechten, und alle zu binden) und damit China schwächen. Alles andere sind Scheinargumente. Mit Palantir dann überwachen und Anduril nutzt dann Software und Hardware aus den indischen Auenlanden.
... Aus dem Lande Mordor, wo die Schatten drohen....
PS: Tolkien, mit seiner Erfahrung aus dem zweiten Weltkrieg würde sich im Grabe umdrehen...
Edit: bei Kankra fällt mir die Ursel ein...

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777 Kommentare 729 Likes

Eigentlich ist damit alles gesagt!
Die Heuschreckenplage fällt aber nicht plötzlich über das Land herein sondern wird angelockt und hofiert. In China sind zwar noch nicht alle Felder abgefressen doch man bekommt zunehmend Konkurrenz durch einheimische Fressfeinde.
Da kommt Indien gerade recht denn Narendra Modi würde sogar mit Sauron persönlich paktieren um sich zu profilieren!
Mit Putin versteht er sich ja auch bestens.
Warum fällt mir da der Name Saruman‘s ein?🤔
Eigentlich ein ganz normaler kapitalistischer Vorgang, Kosten verallgemeinern und Gewinne privatisieren.
Auch Europa lockt die Techgiganten, nur das die Ware Mensch hier nicht zu Discounterpreisen zu haben ist.
Aber es gibt ja noch „Stich“, das leuchtet blau wenn Orks in der Nähe sind.🗡️😃

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About the author

Samir Bashir

