Search Results For - 12vhpwr

Thermaltake Toughpower GF3 1200W ATX v3.0 PSU Review – True 12VHPWR connector for NVIDIA’s big GeForce cards

Since the launch of NVIDIA’s top ADA models and the tiresome wrangling over the 12VHPWR connection, many enthusiasts are looking for potent power supplies according to the new ATX 3.0 standard. Thermaltake offers a real ATX v3.0 power supply with Toughpower GF3 1200W, which could be a serious alternative for many owners of a GeForce RTX 4090 [...]

12VHPWR adapter for NVIDIA’s GeForce RTX 4090 – Two manufacturers, contact problems, bending radii and the human factor

The 12VHPWR adapter for the GeForce RTX 4090 is unfortunately already a kind of running gag and so the topic is meanwhile beaten by all more or less well-informed media. A little unemotional reappraisal would certainly not be a bad idea to calm heated tempers and put the whole thing back on its feet. Therefore, today’s article is not only an [...]

Cause simpler than thought? NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090, the scorched 12VHPWR connector and how to plug it in | Blind Test

Sometimes you also have to listen to your children and do a blind test once. Apart from the fact that there are obviously three or four adapter types with different solder pads and cables, the problem of the hot contact surfaces of the outer connectors must have a simpler reason. I already wrote on the subject of bending that the rigid pins in the [...]

News Test

This is how the 12VHPWR is done correctly: Crimping instead of soldering and how to supply the GeForce RTX 4090 with power properly

First there were bent cables, then annoyed buyers of the at least 2000 euro expensive NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090, no matter which model or manufacturer. The manufacturer of the 4-pin adapter from 12VHPWR to 4x 8-pin for older power supplies was also careless. And, of course, we learned something once again in the course of our investigations. Since [...]

News Test

The horror has a face – NVIDIA’s hot 12VHPWR adapter for the GeForce RTX 4090 with a built-in breaking point

Those who are now beating up on the new 12VHPWR (although I don’t really like the part either) may generate nice traffic with it, but they simply haven’t recognized the actual problem with the supposedly fire-hazardous and melting connections or cables. Even if certain YouTube celebrities are of a different opinion because they seem to [...]

A decent ATX 3.1 power supply for under 50 euros? Why the Deepcool PL550D 550 Watts (almost) manages it!

The Deepcool PL550D currently costs around 49 euros, making it the cheapest (almost) ATX v3.1 power supply on the market, even if it is advertised as ATX 3.0. This price would still be very low even for ATX power supplies of the previous generation. However, although the maximum output is limited to 550W, this device can withstand power peaks of [...]

Who is actually behind the PCI SIG and the PCI Express standardization?

Although many see the PCI SIG as the originator of the ill-fated 12VHPWR or 12V2x6 connector, the PCI Special Interest Group (PCI SIG) is an industry-wide non-profit organization founded in 1992. Its members consist of hundreds of companies from the computer and electronics industry who work together to develop and promote standards for peripheral [...]