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Zen 5 under pressure: How much does PBO bring to the new Ryzen 7 and 5 CPUs?

AMD’s latest processors, the Ryzen 7 9700X and Ryzen 5 9600X, based on the innovative Zen 5 architecture, have shown impressive performance gains in recently leaked benchmarks. Aimed at mainstream users, these new CPUs offer significant advances in both single-core and multi-core performance.

Source: HXL@9550pro

Benchmark analysis

To assess the true potential of these new processors, several benchmarks were carried out both under standard conditions and with Precision Boost Overdrive (PBO) enabled. PBO enables the CPU to dynamically adjust the clock rates and thus increase performance.

Table 1: Benchmark results (standard vs. PBO)

Processor Benchmark Standard value PBO value Percentage increase
Ryzen 7 9700X CPU-z single core 863 887 2,78%
  CPU-z multi-core 8237 8748 6,20%
  Cinebench R23 single core 2218 2280 2,79%
  Cinebench R23 multi-core 20125 21533 6,99%
Ryzen 5 9600X CPU-z single core 849 875,2 3,06%
  CPU-z multi-core 6179 6595 6,73%
  Cinebench R23 single core 2160 2244 3,88%
  Cinebench R23 multi-core 16205 17037 5,13%

Note: All benchmark values are indicative and may vary depending on specific test conditions. As the table shows, enabling PBO leads to remarkable performance gains, especially in multi-core tasks. This underlines the flexibility and efficiency of the Zen 5 architecture.

To evaluate the gaming capabilities of the Ryzen 7 9700X, it was combined with an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 and tested in Cyberpunk 2077 at 720p. The results were promising:

  • Average FPS: 251.05 (standard) vs. 256.26 (PBO) – an increase of 2.07%.
  • Maximum FPS: 335.99 (standard) vs. 343.17 (PBO) – an increase of 2.13%.
  • Minimum FPS: 144.31 (standard) vs. 129.97 (PBO) – a decrease of 9.93%.

While the average and maximum frame rates showed improvements with PBO, the minimum frame rate experienced a slight decrease. This indicates that the overall gaming experience is smoother, but frame drops may occur in more demanding scenarios. The Zen 5 architecture brings with it numerous improvements that contribute to the observed performance increases. These include optimized instruction processing, improved energy efficiency and higher clock speeds. The architecture also offers extended support for the latest memory technologies and interfaces, which further increases overall performance.

The Ryzen 7 9700X and Ryzen 5 9600X CPUs are not only powerful, but also offer an attractive price-performance ratio. Compared to their direct competitors from Intel, such as the 13th generation of Core processors, these new AMD chips position themselves as competitive alternatives. The combination of high performance and moderate prices makes them particularly interesting for users who are looking for an efficient and cost-effective solution.

The AMD Ryzen 7 9700X and Ryzen 5 9600X processors offer a compelling combination of performance and efficiency, making them strong contenders in the CPU market. The Zen 5 architecture has clearly delivered the significant performance gains promised by AMD, especially when combined with features such as PBO. As more benchmarks and real-world reviews are released, we can expect a clearer picture of how these new CPUs stack up against the competition. The future looks promising for AMD, and the new Zen 5 processors are setting a high standard in the industry.

Source: HXL, Bilibili #1, Bilibili #2


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60 Kommentare 41 Likes

Ich habe PBO auf meinem 5950X ausgeschaltet. Die paar Prozent hier und da sind mir egal, und der chip verbraucht weniger Strom und bleibt wesentlich kühler.

Antwort Gefällt mir

Igor Wallossek


10,579 Kommentare 19,846 Likes

Mit PBO kann man sogar Strom sparen, denn das geht ja auch andersherum :D

Antwort Gefällt mir



2,800 Kommentare 885 Likes

Die Bilder vom CB23 Ergebnis sehe irgendwie unscharf aus .?
Gibt es die auch in Original oder werden inzwischen alle Bilder verkleinert beim Hochladen ?

PB ist ja der Standard Precision Boost.
Das O steht für Overdrive, nur was wurde eingestellt (Board oder CPU Limits?)

Antwort Gefällt mir



791 Kommentare 736 Likes

Zen 5 wird definitiv ein Meilenstein für AMD wie erste Tests von Strix Point zeigen.
Auch wenn es nicht immer für den längsten Benchmarkbalken reichen sollte wirkt die Architektur ziemlich stimmig und effizient.
Der reine Wettlauf um den höchsten Takt endet ja mittlerweile öfters in einer Sackgasse und moderne CPU‘s werden immer komplexer.
Oder mal als Analogie zum Auto oder Motorrad, was bringt mir der stärkste Motor wenn das Fahrwerk nix taugt.
Dann haben wir 5000PS (😉 den musste ich bringen) und kriegen sie nicht auf die Straße.
Trotz allem muss sich Zen5 erstmal beweisen. Auf die Tests freue ich mich schon.

Antwort Gefällt mir

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About the author

Samir Bashir

