Audio/Peripherals Furniture Reviews

CORSAIR TC500 LUXE Premium Gaming Chair in test – Super comfortable, but with minor weaknesses.

Practical test with three test subjects

The practical test was again carried out with three test subjects in order to cover as broad a spectrum as possible and to gather as many impressions as possible. With regard to the criteria, I was guided by Igor’s test reports and because this was always well received in the articles, I implemented the test in the same way here too.


Summary person 1 (1,59m/ 60kg)

“I find the TC500 visually very appealing and extremely comfortable. The fabric surface in particular feels very good. Thanks to the great lumbar support, I can almost overlook the awkwardly positioned armrests.”

Summary of person 2 (1.83m/ 62kg)

“The chair is very high quality and the fabric surface feels great, I would actually describe it as “comfortable”. The shoulder area could be padded a little softer and basically the chair is already quite wide. At the end of the day though, I couldn’t work with the armrests. “

Summary of person 3 (1.88m/ 113kg)

“I agree with the previous two speakers about the general feel of the chair and the fabric cover. The backrest is almost a little too low for my long upper body, but I still sat very comfortably on the TC500 over the entire test period. However, the armrests are also an exclusion criterion for me, as too much emphasis was probably placed on comfort instead of practicality in work use.”



Source: Corsair

Although the idea with the invertible armrests for the “reclining mode” is ingenious, all test subjects agreed that the adjustment range was poorly chosen. They all felt that the armrests were too far apart and too far forward to be able to use them comfortably and sensibly.


Interim conclusion

Overall, the TC500 was very well received by all three test subjects and they all agreed that the fabric cover played a significant role in this. The comfortable firmness of the upholstery and the very well adjustable lumbar support make the chair an unexpectedly ergonomic piece of seating furniture, which is unfortunately not the case with many “gaming” chairs. In this respect, Corsair has definitely done its homework and learned from past mistakes. Of course, a synchronized mechanism would have been the cherry on top of the cake, but unfortunately this is also very rare, even in this price range. However, I personally find the armrests much worse, as they are simply far too far forward and far too far apart – so the armrests always hit the tabletop and you sit far away from the table.


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Mit dem TC500 LUXE möchte Corsair die große Kluft zwischen Gaming Stühlen im Rennsitz-Design und sündteuren high-end Bürostühlen schließen. Beim Designprozess wurde der Fokus auf Komfort und Flexibilität gesetzt und ob der mit atmungsaktivem Stoff bezogene Stuhl mehr kann als nur bequem zu sein, lest ihr im Test. Während die ersten Stühle von Corsair noch […] (read full article...)

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About the author

Alexander Brose

