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AMD targeted by hackers: data leak after cyber attack – law enforcement agencies in action


Bloomberg reports on a suspected data theft at AMD, which is said to have been carried out by the hacker group IntelBroker. The hack apparently took place in June this year and may have compromised sensitive data from the chip manufacturer. The stolen data could include information on existing and future products, employee data and more. According to Bloomberg reports, both AMD and law enforcement authorities are currently investigating the incident in more detail to determine the extent of the data leak.

Source: AMD

Initial information suggests that the hackers may have gained access to product details, source code, future product plans and sensitive employee information such as user IDs and emails. The full list of potentially compromised data is not yet known, but breach forums on the Internet have already published an example of the leaked data. The hack could have serious consequences for AMD. In addition to the potential loss of intellectual property and confidential information, the company could also suffer damage to its reputation and the trust of its customers and business partners.

AMD itself has already commented on the incident and stated that it is working closely with law enforcement authorities and an external hosting partner to clarify the facts. The company also emphasized that it is aware of the criminal group claiming the stolen data and that it is investigating the significance of the data. The alleged data theft at AMD is one in a series of similar hacks in the technology industry. In 2022, both Nvidia and Rockstar Games were victims of hackers stealing sensitive data and information.

“We are aware of a cybercriminal organization claiming to be in possession of stolen AMD data. We are working closely with law enforcement officials and a third-party hosting partner to investigate the claim and the significance of the data.”

It remains to be seen how the incident will develop at AMD and what concrete impact it will have on the company. The investigation by the law enforcement authorities and AMD’s response will provide further information in the coming weeks and months. The case shows once again how important cyber security is for companies in today’s digital world. Companies must take appropriate measures to protect their data from unauthorized access and defend themselves against hacker attacks.

In addition to the points mentioned above, here is some additional information:

  • The IntelBroker hacker group is relatively unknown so far. There is hardly any information about their activities or their goals.
  • It is unclear how the hackers were able to penetrate AMD’s data network. It is possible that they exploited security vulnerabilities in the company’s systems.
  • The timing of the hack is remarkable. It occurred shortly before the official presentation of AMD’s new Ryzen 7000 processors at Computex 2024. It is possible that the hackers were trying to steal this information.
  • The hack could have a negative impact on AMD’s share price. Investors may be concerned about the security of the company’s data and the potential consequences of the data leak.

It is important to note that this is all speculative information. Until AMD and law enforcement release more details, we can’t know exactly what happened and what impact the hack will have.

Source: DarkWebInformer


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6 Kommentare 1 Likes

Geht halt um richtig viel Kohle. Man könnte jetzt Vermutungen anstellen, aber da lasse ich mal lieber die Finger von ;)

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561 Kommentare 527 Likes

Naja, unbekannt würde ich jetzt nicht sagen, Die haben wohl schon die Polizeibehörde Europol, General Electric, HP und andere angegriffen.
Nur weil sie nicht in den Medien präsent sind wie damals Anonymous heisst das ja noch lange nicht, dass man die Gruppe bei den entsprechenden
Behörden nicht kennen würde.
Und das macht das Ganze bei AMD eben schon sehr kritisch.


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572 Kommentare 607 Likes

Ab einer gewissen Bedeutung oder Größe wird ein Unternehmen nunmal für echte Hacker, nicht Script-Kiddies, interessant. Insofern ist das die Kehrseite des Erfolges.

Was ich nun gern wüsste: Welche Daten wurden wirklich abgegriffen? Hoffentlich kommuniziert AMD diese Details noch.

Ich möchte hoffen, dass man bei wirklich kritischen Informationen Vorsorge getroffen hat. Nicht alles muss an das Internet angebunden sein und gewisse Daten hält man lokal.

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1,100 Kommentare 849 Likes

Als erster Verdächtiger käme mir da spontan Intel in den Sinn. Nur ein Gedanke :unsure:

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561 Kommentare 527 Likes

Die müssen erst mal rausfinden, ist was passiert. Wenn ja, was ist passiert. Erst dann können die weitere Informationen rausgeben sofern datenschutzrelevante Informationen Dritter entwendet wurden. Dazu sind sie, soweit ich weiss, sogar verpflichtet.
Sind es nur interne Daten ohne Personenbezug werden sie sich vermutlich zurückhalten.


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67 Kommentare 17 Likes

Ohje! Ich finde sowas echt sch....! Unterm Strich, je nach Kritikalität der Daten, hat dies nicht nur schwerwiegende Auswirkungen auf das Unternehmen, sondern auch für uns Kunden/potentielle Kunden. Hoffentlich wird es nicht zu kritisch. Die Zeit wird es uns zeigen. Hoffentlich wird AMD hier offen kommunizieren wie es um dieses Thema steht.

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About the author

Igor Wallossek

Editor-in-chief and name-giver of igor'sLAB as the content successor of Tom's Hardware Germany, whose license was returned in June 2019 in order to better meet the qualitative demands of web content and challenges of new media such as YouTube with its own channel.

Computer nerd since 1983, audio freak since 1979 and pretty much open to anything with a plug or battery for over 50 years.

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