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nPerf launches new app for PC and Mac with a unique feature

Some time ago we reported on nPerf’s new features, with the new overview map where you can view the network coverage of the individual countries as well as the evaluations of the fixed network Internet and mobile Internet performance. Now, with a new app for PC and Mac, nPerfs is launching a desktop application that also includes a unique feature.

nPerf erweitert seinen Dienst um weitere Features

Initially, you could test your Internet connection either via the browser or via your mobile app on Android or IOS devices. With the launch of the new Dekstop application for PC and Mac, users now have the option to test their internet connection via a direct app. Whether you have fiber, cable or ADSL, you can evaluate the quality of your home Internet connection by testing speeds of up to 10 Gb/s.

nPerf describes its app as groundbreaking because of its unique features. In addition to checking your internet speed, you can also test your browsing and streaming quality. The streaming test function is the Chromium engine developed by Google and used in popular browsers such as Chrome and Edge. This allows you to assess the loading and streaming capabilities of your connection with extreme accuracy. In addition, the integration of the VLC engine ensures comprehensive analysis of YouTube video loading, providing insights into the performance of your connection when streaming multimedia. According to nPerf, their desktop application is very reliable and is guaranteed to provide accurate results. The app is based on advanced technology developed by the nPerf team and is supported by a worldwide network of servers (3,000).

It makes you want to test your own connection. You can download the whole thing here and test it out for yourself. But if you also want to test your own mobile Internet performance, you can do it here, because we also offer the test on our website.

Source: nPerf – Press release


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Hmm... ich kann den Download Link nicht anklicken, aber vllt. liegt es auch an mir;)

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17 Kommentare 7 Likes

Liegt nicht an dir. Geht bei mir auch nicht. Da stimmt was am Artikel nicht.
Danke für deine Links :) Passt soweit (y)

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Hoang Minh Le

