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Jim Keller makes performance predictions for AMD’s upcoming Zen5 architecture

Jim Keller is a well-known name in the semiconductor industry, particularly as a former chip architect at AMD and Intel. In his long career, he has developed many significant innovations in microprocessors and chipsets that are found in many modern computers and mobile devices. Although Keller has left AMD and Intel, other companies are still working on final product development based on the architecture he helped create.

This shows how significant his work is in the industry and how much it is appreciated by other companies. There are many reasons why the chips Keller designed have been so successful. For one thing, he has always made sure that his designs are energy-efficient and powerful, which is crucial for both PCs and mobile devices. Second, he has always paid attention to balancing architecture and manufacturing technologies to ensure that his chips are both cost-effective and technically advanced.

It is therefore no wonder that other companies still benefit from Keller’s work today and use it as the basis for their own innovations. The fact that his inventions have endured for so long and still have an impact on the industry shows how important and influential his work has been in the semiconductor industry.

Jim Keller is currently the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at Tenstorrent, a company dedicated to developing artificial intelligence (AI) processors for machine learning. This means that Tenstorrent is developing technology that enables computers to recognize, interpret and process complex patterns and information that would be difficult for human brains to process. The importance of machine learning and AI is growing as more companies and organizations record and process data to gain valuable insights.

With the right AI tools and processors, computers can process this data quickly and effectively, producing better results than human analysts. It was recently announced that Raja Koduri, the former GPU head of Intel, has joined Tenstorrent’s board of directors. This is a notable development as Koduri is considered one of the leading experts in the semiconductor and computer hardware industry and his contribution will help Tenstorrent further improve its technology and strengthen its position in the industry. With Keller as CEO and Koduri on the board, Tenstorrent is well positioned to expand and remain innovative in the fast-growing AI industry. The two bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the table that will help Tenstorrent continue to improve its technology and offer better solutions to its customers.

The company recently held an event in India centered around the RISC-V architecture. During this event, a slide was presented showing various product designs, including the company’s in-house chips. It is worth noting that all the products listed on the slide are designed exclusively for use in data centers. The listed products include well-known names like AMD, Intel, NVIDIA and Amazon. Interestingly, one seemingly faulty product was also listed among the products, namely the “Intel Xeneon”. However, this seems to be a typo, since it is actually the well-known Intel Xeon processor. Another notable product on the slide was the AMD Zen5 chip, which came out on top in the SPEC2K17INT Rate 1 test. This is a remarkable achievement for AMD and shows that they are able to compete with the best processors on the market.

Source: Tensortorrent

It is believed that Zen5 will be a successor to Zen4, which is currently on the market, although it has not been officially announced yet. If this were the case, Zen5 would likely represent a significant performance increase over the current generation. According to Keller, a successor to Genoa based on Zen4 would score 8.84 points, which would be 30% faster than the current generation. This would be an impressive increase.

Furthermore, a Zen5 processor would be twice as fast as the Zen1 processor (Naples). This is especially remarkable since the Zen1 processor was only launched a few years ago and was already considered powerful. Although there is currently no official announcement for Zen5, it is clear that AMD is working hard to make its processors faster and more powerful. If Zen5 is indeed such an impressive performance improvement over the current generation, we can be sure that it will be greeted with great enthusiasm by the technology community.

Source: AMD

Source: TomsHardware



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1,385 Kommentare 583 Likes

Ich finde keinen "Intel Xeneon", sondern nur Xenon; und dass AMD hart an der Verbesserung seiner CPUs arbeitet ist, glaub ich, logisch.

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7,517 Kommentare 2,032 Likes

Die Quelle ist auch falsch geschrieben, insofern - ne?

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257 Kommentare 71 Likes

Kommt mir alles n bisschen vor wie der Wetterbericht, der mir klar machen will, daß es in 4 Monaten, am Dienstag um 13:37Uhr anfängt zu regnen.

Grüße 🖖

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1,822 Kommentare 1,718 Likes

Naja, ein wenig Kaffeesatzleserei zu Ostern ist doch auch mal ganz nett.

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7,517 Kommentare 2,032 Likes

Yoah... das Gelbe vom Ei isses wirklich nicht.

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31 Kommentare 11 Likes

Das ganze ist einfach hochgradig unseriös. Wenn man soetwas macht, dann bekommt man einen Korridor, in dem die Leistung wohl liegt und der unterscheidet sich jeweils von den Szenarien optimistisch, pessimistisch, realistisch. Dann bekommt man z.B. 10-30% heraus. Aber hier weiß man es angeblich bis auf die zweite Nachkommastelle genau. Das kann man ernst nehmen.

Das Problem ist, dass einem der Käse in den nächsten Monaten von fast jedem AMD Fan und Fanboy unter die Nase gehalten wird und man es einzeln widerlegen darf.

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1,385 Kommentare 583 Likes

psst, sonst siehts der Gamer noch.

Aber es kommt halt auch drauf an WER "schätzt", siehe Igors Stromprognosen zur RTX 3xxx / 4xxx.

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5 Kommentare 0 Likes

Der Codename lautet Genoa und nicht Genua, wie die italienische Stadt. Die Grafik hat, anders als bei den "Xenons", in diesem Fall recht ;)

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31 Kommentare 11 Likes

Wenn ich mich recht erinnere, dann hat Igor nicht exakt zwei Stellen nach dem Komma genannt.

Man kann schon schätzen und spekulieren, aber ein "Ergebnis" von 8,84 gaukelt eben etwas vor, das nicht vorhanden ist. Dazu kennen sie auch noch angeblich den exakten Stromverbrauch und die exakten Frequenzen, letztere kennt momentan wohl nichtmal AMD (es sei denn, es läuft extrem gut und sie begrenzen künstlich).

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Igor Wallossek


10,464 Kommentare 19,574 Likes

Ich hätte auch zwei Stellen nach dem Komma nennen können, aber sowas fällt auf :D

Aber Jim ist jetzt mit Raja in nicht so guter Gesellschaft. Mal schaun, wann diese Firma hingerichtet wird. :(

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1,691 Kommentare 1,029 Likes

So lese ich das: Intel ist zur Zeit nicht an Tenstorrent interessiert, aber Tenstorrent spricht mit AMD über mögliche gemeinsame Projekte, Beteiligungen, oder Übernahme. Da helfen ein paar nette, unverbindliche Worte über ein zukünftiges Produkt der möglichen Partnerfirma, Goodwill zu generieren.
Und ja, das ist alles pure Spekulation meinerseits, Quelle dafür hab ich keine.

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3,940 Kommentare 2,072 Likes

Mensch, überdenkt eure News posts mal bitte, die Qualität sinkt bald auf Gamermeld Niveau wenn's so weitergeht. Ich denke jedesmal, les das doch noch mal, muss ja besser werden. Wird's aber nicht.

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2,749 Kommentare 853 Likes

LoL, die haben eher weniger zu befürchten.

Eine Firma ?

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12 Kommentare 4 Likes

Bei allem Respekt vor eurer Arbeit hier, aber diese "News" Meldungen sind leider absolut nicht lesbar. Gibt es disen Mitarbeiter überhaupt oder ist das einfach ein Bot, der einen Translator über die englischen Artikel laufen lässt? Die Texte sind echt furchtbar zu lesen, oft auch keine grammatikalisch richtigen Sätze und haben grundsätzlich eine schlechte Satzstruktur.
Und das inhaltliche: meist sind es einfach Werbemeldungen, die hier ungekennzeichnet wiedergegeben werden.

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About the author

Samir Bashir

