Audio/Peripherals Headphones Headsets Reviews

SoundPeats T3 True Wireless Ear-Buds with ANC – China junk or serious competition?

Disclaimer: The following article is machine translated from the original German, and has not been edited or checked for errors. Thank you for understanding!


The operation is actually quite intuitive, but it takes some time until you have internalized the number of necessary tabs. Both Earbuds have only one touch button each, which takes over all functions.

While the basic functions of answering/rejecting a call, activating ANC, etc. can be performed on both earbuds with the same button combination, volume control is performed separately. For this purpose, the left handset is used to “turn down” and the right handset is used to “turn up”. I should note that while the volume on the smartphone is controlled separately by the device and the Earbuds, the Earbuds control the Windows volume setting. I don’t know why that is.

Sound check and ANC modes

At this point, I was actually a little surprised. The in-ears reach quite a considerable volume and sound surprisingly voluminous. I connected it to my Huawei P20 Pro, a Samsung Q70T TV and the MSI B550 Unify and listened to some music. If you’re into powerful bass, this is definitely not the worst place to be – you’ll get a lot out of these little things! The mids and voices are quite present, the high frequencies are a bit reserved and there is also a lack of clarity and resolution.

However, it’s important to remember that we’re talking about €40 wireless earbuds here, which can definitely keep up with the full-sized gaming headsets we’ve recently tested in terms of sound quality. I also tested the ANC feature, of course, and I was surprised at what it was capable of even in such a small in-ear headphone. For my test, I walked through the city after a rain shower and was able to judge very well how the different modes affected me based on the passing cars. Due to the design of the earplug in the ear, you achieve quite a good shielding.

This is especially noticeable when set to “Pass Through” mode, where the loud smacking of car tires on rain-soaked roads were suddenly much more audible. In “ANC on” mode, virtually nothing could be heard from the cars, at least above a certain music volume. Very impressive and should give a decisive advantage especially in the city and on public transport.

Microphone Check

For this test, I made another attempt besides the usual short voice recording. I made a phone call while the TV was on in the background and other things were being tested, such as turning on the water tap, etc. Since I only had the headphones on myself during the phone call, I can only refer to the feedback from the person I was talking to. The latter had confirmed to me that one could hear the TV in the background partly, but it never came disturbingly into the foreground.

The faucet was probably filtered out almost completely, although that noise is usually quite loud when I’m on the phone. But you could mess up the microphone during a conversation played over the loudspeaker, in which case the microphone couldn’t distinguish between the voice being played and the voice of the wearer and just transmitted everything. Would have been kind of spooky, though, if that had worked.

At this point, of course, the usual sample:

You can tell from the audio quality that the microphone is designed purely for speech in the frequency range of phone calls. It sounds a bit tinny/hollow and everything that lies frequency-wise or below human speech is virtually just mud. In return, however, the intelligibility goes quite clear and is definitely better than the internal microphone of my Huawei smartphone. In summary, one can say: What it should be able to do, it can do well, everything that goes beyond that, rather not.



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31 Kommentare 13 Likes

Preiswerte Earbuds, oder Möppel, wie wir sie nennen, haben einfach auch den Vorteil, dass der Schaden nicht ganz so gross ist, sollte einer doch mal verloren gehen, vom Meerschweinchen gefressen werden oder in den See fallen.

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Igor Wallossek


10,838 Kommentare 20,530 Likes

Katzen nicht vergessen :D

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2,226 Kommentare 860 Likes

Glaube ich werde mich nie an diese Silikonaufsätze gewöhnen. Ich empfinde diese allgemein bei In-Ears als eher unangenehm.

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1,524 Kommentare 1,188 Likes

Also Fußhupen auf 4 Beine ??? :ROFLMAO:

Ich komm mit den "Tampons" auch nicht klar... :LOL:

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Alexander Brose


837 Kommentare 599 Likes

Dann wäre für dich der Air 3 eher was, das ist so ein Semi-In-Ear Ding, wie die originalen AirPods. Test kommt wahrscheinlich nächste Woche ;-)

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1 Kommentare 1 Likes

Wegen der unterschiedlichen Lautstärkesteuerung:
Bei Android gibt's in den Developer Options die Einstellung "disable absolut volume" je nachdem ob die an ist oder nicht wird Bluetooth Lautstärke synchronisiert oder nicht

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Alexander Brose


837 Kommentare 599 Likes

Danke dir für den Hinweis!

Habe das direkt mal ausprobiert, aber an meinem alten P20 Pro hat die Einstellung keinen Effekt auf die Lautstärkeregelung beim T3 Modell. Smartphone und Earbuds kann man, unabhängig von der genannten Einstellung, weiterhin separat regeln.


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Alexander Brose

