Data Storage Reviews SSD & HDD Storage Storage drives

CORSAIR MP600 PRO XT 2 TB NVMe SSD Review – Faster than the MSI SPATIUM M480?

Disclaimer: The following article is machine translated from the original German, and has not been edited or checked for errors. Thank you for understanding!

Synthetics are a great way to really break out the big numbers once in a while. We’ll see later how well that works in real-world application benchmarks. So I’ll start with CrystalDiskMark and four different file sizes. The SSDs were not new at the time of the test (CB had already tested them and I always do these tests at the end for certain reasons) and I also had fill levels of more than 50% before deleting the data several times.

What’s good is that the maximum values are still safely reached even after two tests by different editors and that the numbers are quite impressive. Therefore, the formulation with the “up to” is also quite correct here. However, it is also a fact that the read rates in particular are significantly higher than those of the MSI SSD (up to 300 MB/s more!) and the write rates are more or less the same and thus also correspond to the specs. Corsair has obviously optimized the firmware more than MSI, the rest is done by the newer flash memory from Micron.


You can see very well that the dynamic pSLC does exactly what it is supposed to, mind you with an empty (though not virgin) SSD. The nice thing about the 2 TB SSD is that there is a lot of space left and therefore you should never fill it more than 2/3 with data. A higher workload does not affect reading, only when writing the dynamic SLC will certainly reach its limits at some point. And if you do it over and over again, switching memory modules between the two methods will eventually become impossible as well.


ATTO works very similarly, although I only work with two sizes here, which ends up being the same. The limit of 7000 MB/s for reading is just missed, but it is still enough for an impressive result.


But what happens when you stream a video? For this purpose, the industry uses the AJA benchmark, which is in effect an interface between synthetic benchmarks and practical application. The Corsair MP600 PRO XT doesn’t fluff here either, even though it already deviates a bit from the theoretical write and read rates and the MSI Spatium M480 even acts a bit faster. Let’s first look at the writing process of the encoded video content.

Resolution: 4K RED HD
File Size: 64 GB
Codec : 16bit RGBA
Video file: Movie
Number of frames 1035
Write rate 98 fps (both)
Write rate 6152 MB/s (MSI M480 6206 MB/s)
Minimum rate 2858 MB/s (MSI M480 3188 MB/s)
Maximum rate 6450 MB/s (MSI M480 6447 MB/s)

Reading is also quite fast, although you won’t reach the theoretically possible speed here either. In return, the MP600 PRO XT is a bit faster than the MSI SPATIUM M480, even if only marginally.

Number of frames 1035
Write rate 99 fps (MSI M480 98 fps)
Write rate 6289 MB/s (MSI M480 6185 MB/s)
Minimum rate 5734 MB/s (MSI M480 5987 MB/s)
Maximum rate 6525 MB/s (MSI M480 6317 MB/s)

We see that the comments made on the previous page about the dynamic pSLC cache and the behavior with the larger file blocks are completely true. Smaller file movements would be even faster if you leave out the overhead of the file system.



Lade neue Kommentare

Hans Yolo


123 Kommentare 29 Likes

Vielen Dank für den Test Igor. Beim 1. Abschnitt vom Fazit fehlt leider ein Teil:-)

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63 Kommentare 30 Likes

Der Kühlkörper sieht irgendwie cool aus, schöner Test. Bin aber mit meiner geschenkt bekommenen PCI3.0 2TB Crucial P5 auch sehr zufrieden :D

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Igor Wallossek


10,737 Kommentare 20,309 Likes

Jetzt nicht mehr. Da klingelte mal wieder das Telefon.

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1,293 Kommentare 337 Likes

Ich finde die SSD etwas teuer. Wenn man nicht unbedingt die lange Garantiedauer haben möchte, gibt es wesentlich günstigere Modelle.
Z.B. diese hier: Samsung OEM Client SSD PM9A1 2TB, M.2.

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Klicke zum Ausklappem


1,509 Kommentare 1,172 Likes

Ich habe diese "OEM-Sumsang", aber man sollte wissen, das ein "Firmware-Bug" vorliegt (Schreibraten brechen ein)
und keine Garantie & Support seitens Samsung möglich ist.

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96 Kommentare 31 Likes

Ist doch eine OEM mit Null Garantie, Magician wird nicht unterstützt, also keine erweiterte Funktionalität usw...Auch die Firmware Updates sind dann mehr Glückssache und Frickelei. Da kannst (heute) lieber gleich für ähnliche Summe beim Geizmarkt (MwSt-geschenkt-Aktion) eine SN850 2TB kaufen.

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1,293 Kommentare 337 Likes

Natürlich geht man bei der Garantie ein gewisses Risiko ein. Wozu brauche ich Magician? Andere Hersteller geben ja auch keine Software bei, und die SSDs funktionieren trotzdem zufriedenstellend.
Und die Geschwindigkeit leidet auch nicht darunter.

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1,293 Kommentare 337 Likes

Du bist nicht richtig informiert, der Fehler wurde mittlerweile schon behoben.

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About the author

Igor Wallossek

Editor-in-chief and name-giver of igor'sLAB as the content successor of Tom's Hardware Germany, whose license was returned in June 2019 in order to better meet the qualitative demands of web content and challenges of new media such as YouTube with its own channel.

Computer nerd since 1983, audio freak since 1979 and pretty much open to anything with a plug or battery for over 50 years.

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