GPUs Graphics Practice Pro Reviews Workstations

NVIDIA RTX A5000 and RTX A6000 overclocked! Workstation overclocking as a benefit or pure oversight?

Disclaimer: The following article is machine translated from the original German, and has not been edited or checked for errors. Thank you for understanding!

It’s all a question of temperature and timing

I don’t want to anticipate another follow-up, because the water blocks have already been ordered. We all know that you can gain more boost levels as the chip temperature drops without having to manually raise the clock or the power limit, although that’s not possible with the power on a workstation card. But if you can also adjust the offset for the core clock, it becomes even more interesting. But for now, I still have to make do with the air cooler.

That’s why I’m limiting myself to the RTX A5000 today, which is fully sufficient as an example, because both cards have somewhat the same margin. But to achieve something even with air, I set the fan speed in the Afterburner to 100% and increased the offset for Core Clock by 200 MHz. Of course, this never completely reaches the system, but a little bit does:

After all, 150 MHz at the maximum clock and even 165 MHz at the minimum in a 3D load (control in UHD for a better comparability) are already a nice gain of plenty of 10%, even without water cooling. As I already wrote, I left the clock largely untouched, because you can overdo it and I also put value on a stable and error-free operation here. Only from an offset of 280 MHz did the GPU also start to experience errors, whereby the clock gain of around 200 MHz achieved then simply no longer makes sense. With Waser, however, there is certainly still something, especially with the RTX A6000.



But what of the 10% actually arrives at the 3D Load in the individual applications? Again, I’ll take the NVIDIA RTX A5000 as an example (for now). However, we see that the bars speak for themselves, there is no need to comment on anything individually. However, the up to 10% more clock rate is not quite what arrives in reality in terms of performance increase. But you can still see the difference quite well, because around 5% and more almost always go.

Summary and conclusion

Once again, it was probably more of a fluke that MSI’s version of Afterburner unlocks overclocking of RTX-A cards. If that’s the way it’s meant to be, so much the better, but I don’t believe it is. However, once again you can see how much room for maneuver there still is in workstation cards and where the manufacturers prefer to look closer to the sweet spot. This is of course an absolute priority in 24/7 operations and I’m happy to repeat myself here: today’s article is purely a feasibility study.

The NVIDIA RTX A5000 and the RTX A6000 (there’s something coming later with a water cooler) have already delivered today, that’s for sure. Of course I will write single reviews for both cards, without OC and as serious as you expect and are used to from me. But let’s be honest: if the beat slider is held out to you as a tempting little stick, you might as well jump over it. Not just as a dog.



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185 Kommentare 133 Likes

Sehr spannend.

Ich warte noch auf einen Server mit zwei A6000. Vielleicht probiere ich das auch mal. Ist nicht kritisch wenn da doch mal was neugestartet werden muss.

Interessant wäre das auch für die Nvidia A100 - die ist ja passiv gekühlt - und wird echt heiß

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1,698 Kommentare 1,031 Likes

Danke Igor! Interessante Entdeckung, mir hätte es da auch in den Fingern gejuckt, habe natürlich keine 5000 Ampere Quatro zur Hand. Mal was ausprobieren was sonst strickt "verboten" ist gehört mit dazu, zumal Du ja auch weiß, wo man da Schluss machen muss bevor es teuer wird. Na, Mal sehen wie lange diese Version des Afterburners noch "live" ist. Ich gebe dem noch bis morgen Feierabend/EOB.

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1,370 Kommentare 900 Likes

Jetzt hatte dich Nvidia gerade mal lieb ne Zeit lang und dann machst du wieder so Sachen ^^

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In welchem Server wird die heiß?

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185 Kommentare 133 Likes

heiß ist übertrieben - aber wenn die Dinger noch paar % mehr können wenn sie kälter sind würde das schon was ausmachen.

Wenns dich interessiert... ist ein supermicro 4124gs-TNR. ja da sind für 400 Watt Lüfter installiert.
mit 2x AMD Milan 75F3 a 280 Watt (was die auch wirklich ziehen) kommt da halt Wärme zusammen.
Bei lustigen KI Berechnungen zieht die Kiste ca 2kW - über Tage.

Da kann man schon über WaKü bei den GPUs nachdenken. Würde sicher nicht schaden.

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About the author

Igor Wallossek

Editor-in-chief and name-giver of igor'sLAB as the content successor of Tom's Hardware Germany, whose license was returned in June 2019 in order to better meet the qualitative demands of web content and challenges of new media such as YouTube with its own channel.

Computer nerd since 1983, audio freak since 1979 and pretty much open to anything with a plug or battery for over 50 years.

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