Basics PSU Reviews

On discovery tour: How safe, durable and quiet power supplies are created | Retro

Invisible and yet omnipresent

Company visits and tours are not only interesting, but also have a very special charm that is hard to resist – even if it was not a vacation, but “only” a work visit. This also includes the social environment and the individual company philosophies for dealing with employees. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those involved for allowing us to immerse ourselves in the normal working and testing routine for a few days, without any events or closed-off areas.

A hearty lunch package should not be missing, because surprisingly there were also breaks. Fast food in Taiwanese:

Fast food in Taiwanese.

If you generally think an Asian business is like any other, you are sorely mistaken. Today’s power supply suppliers looking for a large contract manufacturer will always be faced with the dilemma of finding someone who can produce cost-effectively, to a high technical standard and with the necessary background, such as a good test laboratory, while not losing sight of the social component. In the end, however, an Asian manufacturer will only (be able to) meet the special requirements and demands of the customer 100 percent if the customer’s engineers are constantly on site and actively participate in the development process or even lead and determine it.

Just shopping around and relabeling definitely goes wrong; this is where presence really matters. Unfortunately, only very few providers make this effort, which is actually incomprehensible. At FSP, this also includes the roof terrace for the employees of the test laboratories (and use as a smoking island)

Roof terrace for the employees of the test laboratories (and smoking island)

Outlook for what follows

After we have seen what stations a product like the new be quiet! Straight Power E10 has to go through before it can be sent into mass production and then let loose on the customer, in the next part we want to show for the first time how such a power supply is then also assembled, tested and packaged step by step. So the journey is far from over, but then leads us from Taiwan back to the mainland…

Beautiful views for every visitor
Beautiful views for every visitor


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2,549 Kommentare 964 Likes

Wow! Danke für diese tiefen Einblicke in die NT Entwicklung. Sowas gibt es nur bei igors Lab👌

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312 Kommentare 321 Likes

Erinnere mich noch an den Artikel. Sehr schön aber mit 7 schon Retro so alt ist das doch gar nicht......

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Igor Wallossek


10,477 Kommentare 19,621 Likes

Naja, damals noch TH Deutschland. Das ist schon arg Retro. Ich konnte die Artikel nur bis zu einem gewissen Punkt retten, weil damals die Franzosen den Bilderserver abgeschaltet hatten. Einer der Gründe, warum die Amis nicht migrieren wollten. Nur Chaos. Den Großteil ab 2010 habe ich per http quasi "außenrum" runtergesichert, weil nicht mal mehr Passwörter für den Server existierten. :(

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Lucky Luke


421 Kommentare 194 Likes

Ich kann mich auch noch daran erinnern. Umso besser, das du diesen Artikel noch retten konntest.
Sehr interessant in mal wieder durchflogen zu haben.
Wo sind nur die Jahre geblieben. Wahnsinn wie schnell die Zeit vergeht.

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About the author

Igor Wallossek

Editor-in-chief and name-giver of igor'sLAB as the content successor of Tom's Hardware Germany, whose license was returned in June 2019 in order to better meet the qualitative demands of web content and challenges of new media such as YouTube with its own channel.

Computer nerd since 1983, audio freak since 1979 and pretty much open to anything with a plug or battery for over 50 years.

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