Basics GPUs

Ultimate visual comparison between AMD RIS, NVIDIA DLSS and FreeStyle

The game Shadow of the Tomb Raider currently has the best DLSS integration we've seen so far. To check this, let's take a look at the wall and the vegetation at the top right. The AMD RIS is much better than traditional scaling, but DLSS manages to smooth even better without losing the details (which is often the flaw of DLSS).



The sharpening of NVIDIA Freestyle doesn't work wonders, it's much coarser than AMD's RIS, which manages to sharpen the image better by losing fewer details. Without antialiasing, RIS excels even more. We also add the native 4K rendering without AA and with all the anti-aliasing techniques of the game, as a bonus. Have fun comparing!



Here the results are very similar and also a real demonstration of the possibilities of NVIDIA's DLSS (if it is used properly), which manages impressively to make the vegetation look really beautiful, still to get many details and at the same time provide a first-class level of anti-aliasing. However, AMD's RIS does surprisingly well without the use of AI inference and Nvidia's tensor nuclei.

We also see very clearly here that the sharpening of NVIDIA Freestyle is still a bit coarser. Enjoy comparing the native 4K resolution with TAA and DLSS rendering, you should be thrilled…


Plants in detail

If you need one last example to see that DLSS can perform certain miracles, here is one more. AMD RIS still works very well here, at least much better than NVIDIA Freestyle Sharpen, but you can see the difference to DLSS.

In the end, DLSS is surprisingly good in all respects. One might even be tempted to say that it is better than native 4K with SMAA 4x (the slowest!), but real purists probably won't agree with it either. Be it as it is – it looks really good. At least in this game.


DlSS can work well if you implement it correctly and the AI has done exactly what it is supposed to do in advance. The next page shows that this can also go completely wrong.



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About the author

Igor Wallossek

Editor-in-chief and name-giver of igor'sLAB as the content successor of Tom's Hardware Germany, whose license was returned in June 2019 in order to better meet the qualitative demands of web content and challenges of new media such as YouTube with its own channel.

Computer nerd since 1983, audio freak since 1979 and pretty much open to anything with a plug or battery for over 50 years.

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