Category - GPUs

GPU water block fished and blanched up to 2.2 GHz: Alphacool Aurora GPX-A RX 5700 XT for the Sapphire RX 5700 XT Nitro+| Mr. ProtoTYPE

The fact that I am given prototypes, PVT or evaluation samples in advance by various production products is not new. Also, with a little luck, you can pick up one or the other good piece in advance at the OEM, which you know so well, without having to beg the customer in question big. Be it as it is – something always works and it is never [...]

GPU Water Block Raijintek Samos RX 5700 XT in Hardness Test – Price Reviewer for 109 Euro including Backplate | Exclusive test

The Raijintek Samos RX 5700 XT, which I tested today, is so new that it is not even listed at the dealers. My test sample has made it on an unofficial way from Asia directly to the laboratory, so that I can already present you exclusively a product that will only be officially available for purchase in the coming days. I already feel so slowly [...]

News Test

Nvidia counters the RX 5500 XT with a GTX 1660 Super, almost cannibalizes its own Ti with it and waits relaxed with the old 2060 for a RX 5600 (XT)

I deliberately waited a bit to not only press speculative data into a news article, but also to come up with some more detailed content. AMD and Nvidia of course continue their small-scale launch war as usual, with one leading and the other following. So good, so well known. But what further information do we have in the meantime? Of course, I [...]

New MorePowerTool 1.1.0 with even more features to download

In the meantime, we have arrived at version 1.1.0 and there are several new functions and changes to the interface.  New is the "Save" button, because you can now load your own (or foreign) settings files in addition to BIOSen, which you saved with the also new "Save" button beforehand. This makes it possible to create various [...]

AMD Radeon RDNA White Paper to read and download | PDF Library

The new white paper on AMD's RDNA Gaming architecture is available and linked for reading. The white paper includes a technical analysis of the "Navi" architecture—the basis of graphics cards—including the new Radeon RX 5700 Series GPUs. The RDNA architecture has been optimized while providing backward compatibility with the GCN [...]