Category - GPUs

The big Radeon RX 6800 (XT) overclocking and mod guide | Community

The new Big Navi cards are released and the 6800/6800 XT and the new one recently celebrated their debut. Our community member Gurdi couldn’t help but take a closer look at the AMD cards this time as well. That’s exactly why I let Gurdi continue writing, because it’s his user review, in which he invested a lot of time himself and [...]

AMD with Navi23 and Navi24 back in the mobile sector? First leaks and exclusive data on AMD’s possible return to the notebook segment

It appears that AMD and its major partners are already internally testing several RDNA 2-based Radeon RX 6000M mobile GPUs, so that initial information about a discrete Navi23 and Navi24 chip for the laptop segment has been leaked. After first reports from Twitter insider and leaker Patrick Schur, AMD is working on several mobile SKUs based on the [...]

Busy editorial office and test laboratory

Even if one or the other might think, I’m taking some time off after all these launches – this is (unfortunately) not the case and there is more to do than ever before. However, much of this work has to be carried out in parallel and is usually bound to various NDAs with regard to the respective publication period. But I can still [...]

When important components become scarce: CPUs, GPUs, console chips and other components as complex trading objects

2020 was actually a first-class year for technological innovation, but it will probably also go down in history as the year of the ultimate frustration of discouraged consumers, when the target group will end up not being able to buy what has been on their wish list for a long time: graphics cards and processors, power supplies and last but not [...]

Labelling obligation: AMD only focuses on gaming with the new Radeon RX 6000 and sets strict guidelines for the product designation

As far as the usual text lengths for shops and marketing material allow, AMD’s board partners (AIB) are obliged to use certain designations in the product labeling and for the first time use the addition “Gaming Graphics Card”. In addition, “with 16GB GDDR6, AMD RDNA™ 2” also focuses on memory expansion and the fact [...]

The hotspot of the Radeon RX 6800 (XT), hurdles in the thermal grease replacement and the correct assembly sequence

Even though AMD has solved the determination of Tjunction (“hotspot temperature”) differently with the new Radeon graphics cards (Navi21) and measures and calculates much more widely, it is precisely this temperature that is the linchpin for telemetry. This in turn means that the applied clock rates including voltages, the fan control [...]

AMD’s Radeon RX 6800 stable with continuous 2.55 GHz and RX 6800 XT overclocked up to 2.5 GHz – Thanks to MorePowerTool and board partner BIOS

Yeah, we did it again, and better this time. Especially since our forum member Gurdi probably won one of the main prizes in the silicone lottery, as his RX 6800 in reference design shows very impressively what can be done if you had a lucky hand with the order button. I can spoil it in advance, because his card reached an average stable and above [...]

B550 or X570, new Ryzen and the hope for the Radeon 6800 (XT) – Why many people have to reinstall their Windows for SAM first

Currently, there are many patches, new BIOS versions and various minor teething troubles with selected motherboard and CPU configurations, for example regarding the maximum achievable fabric clock rate. Unfortunately, most people quickly forget about a problem that could disturb the new Holy Trinity of motherboard, CPU and graphics card: certain [...]