MSI Radeon RX 580 Mech 2 8GB – Polaris battle suit from the crowbar

Take a chip that isn't quite as baptismal and think about which new product line you can establish and what added value you could generate for the end customer. The latter, of course, first of all from the point of view of marketing, because you have to establish the new product line somehow on the market. The older Gaming-X models are no [...]

Asus ROG GeForce GTX 1070 Ti Strix Gaming 8G in review

With the ROG GeForce GTX 1070 Ti Strix Gaming, Asus puts an interpretation of the GP104, which has been slimmed down into the GTX 1070 Ti, on the customer shelf, which actually does almost everything right and nothing wrong. Of course, this is also reflected in the price, but we can... The rather tidy-looking board does not hide any secrets. Power [...]

AMD ASRock graphics cards not available in Europe

If one recalls the great advertising appearance with which AT that time ASRock was enthroned as a new, AMD-exclusive graphics card board partner (AIB) with a lot of media pomp, then today's statement of a senior sales manager of ASRock almost like an anecdote from the days when AMD's PR put itself one leg at a time.

Test: ASRock RX 580 Phantom Gaming X

WITH the Radeon RX 580 Phantom Gaming X, ASRock presents a first-time work in which you can actually do nothing wrong with these models, bearing in mind the long-standing experience of the competitors with these models. So it’s kind of the ideal test object to practice. After all, the GPU is not a real new development, but only the [...]