Category - Mobile devices

Skyroam Solis the second: WiFi hotspot finally with fair use policy against data capping, with new app and more flexible data models

Does anyone remember my first test of this bright orange online WiFi box, which you find as Skyroam Solis in well-stocked online retail? I mean, good friends like to forgive some weaknesses and also my little, faithful travel companion was not without. But at least so far, he has patiently and brazenly endured everything that an annoyed editor [...]

Srhythm NC25 – Over-Ear Bluetooth Headphones with ANC in Bargain Check

Between 30 and almost 60 euros, depending on the source and discount situation, you have to look for the NC25. From time to time you get it, like me, on Amazon for just under 30 euros with discount code. And since I'm not very vain (at least not with something like that), the NC25 was allowed to replace the permanently oppressive Samsung Level [...]

With bacon you don't catch mice, just fallen smartphones

If you now think I have a case study of my relatively expensive smartphone with embedded slow-motion fragmentation videos to offer, I have to disappoint. But it was just around the way. The fact that, as an an avowed hater of all smartphone condoms, I once again reach for an overcoat is due to exactly three circumstances. First, in summer not only [...]