Category - PSU

How a quasi-monopoly will increase the power supply prices in 2021 – Useless certificates for untested power supplies included | Investigative

Who doesn’t know the great 80-Plus logo on most power supplies? This label suggests a certain efficiency and contributes not insignificantly to image building. 80 Plus Platinum? This just has to be good! Or maybe not so really? A document that I received today shows how the money printing machine 80 Plus is ticking in such a way, i will tell [...]

Showdown: GeForce RTX 3090, RTX 3080 and RTX 3070 including Intel Core i9-10900K with and without OC against 11x be quiet!

The idea of testing power supplies not only synthetically on the chroma, but simply once in the usual setting of a possible user, is actually not even that absurd, but usually fails because of the amount of test objects. And where do you get these power supplies after all? From the manufacturer! And in order for him to overcome exactly this step [...]

Tester in danger: How many watts can the 12-pin Micro-Fit connector of the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 and RTX 3090 survive without melting?

The discussions about what current flow various 6-, 8- or now even 12-pin sockets can survive are as old as these sockets themselves. But while over the years one could see the odd experiment or two, the 12-pin Micro-Fit 3.0 connector is new. This in turn naturally aroused human curiosity and this is exactly where my longtime friend Aris [...]

Nvidia’s mysterious 12-pin connector for the RTX 3080 and RTX 3090, “Chinese whispers”, rumors, senseless panic and a matching cable from Seasonic | Background Story

Since the new 12-pin sockets are so well known and one of the NDAs has fallen in the meantime, one should also clean up some of the rumours, mistakes and confusion. In the end, only a small communication lapse led to half of the power supply industry suddenly gasping for breath in panic and hyperventilating within a few days. But I want to unravel [...]

Inside Lab: Combine real-time power consumption measurement on CPU, GPU and motherboard with system and sensor data? Go!

The previous practice of real-time measurements (even over longer periods of time) only with the oscillographs is certainly not bad and it also allows deep insights into the switching behavior of graphics cards and CPUs due to the high resolution, but it is always only possible possible to capture a sub-area of the overall system. Interactions [...]