Thermal Paste Meets Football Field – AMD's Ryzen Threadripper, the Best Method and The Right Quantity in Laboratory Testing | Tutorial

Sometimes the best methods fail on the largest surface and that's why I once looked more intensively at the optimal method. Now with "Try and Error" you can apply paste again and again and then measure it elaborately, because you don't see how the paste actually spreads with the cooler applied. Well, really not? Me already! The [...]

Ultimate Ears Boom 3 in review – Bluetooth party cracker or winch?

Few people know that Logitech is actually behind the Ultimate Ears label. Whether one now feels this as an advantage or a burden is up to everyone. The whole Bluetooth products are now all somehow the same and you hardly see any really significant differences in the end. At least not at first sight, at the second. With an EIA of 150 euros [...]

Eliminate Wi-Fi problems and optimize the network: what you need to know about MIMO, 4×4, thick walls and the right technology | Test

Less is more? At least with Wi-Fi, none of this applies and anyone who, like me, has his rooms in an old, listed house, can never have enough. Also in the case of technology. Of course, it is precisely with this that an enormous amount of money can be sunk, and it is therefore all the more important to be targeted. That's why I want to give [...]

Ryzen 3000 perfect cooling – a practical test series in search of the best water block for asymmetrical design with interesting results

The asymmetrical arrangement of the chiplets on the one side and the I/O die on the other side of the Ryzen CPUs of the third generation has it quite in itself. In a first video I had already captured the heating of the CPU as a top view in a special infrared video, which you should have seen before for a better understanding. One of the findings [...]

New MorePowerTool 1.1.0 with even more features to download

In the meantime, we have arrived at version 1.1.0 and there are several new functions and changes to the interface.  New is the "Save" button, because you can now load your own (or foreign) settings files in addition to BIOSen, which you saved with the also new "Save" button beforehand. This makes it possible to create various [...]

Three X570 motherboards tested – wrong sensor values, faulty Precision Boost Overdrive (PBO) and different performance

Actually, I only wanted to compare three of the cheapest motherboards with an X570 chipset and a Ryzen 5 3600X, but I quickly found out that in the end you read out contradictory things that are not plausible and cannot be explained with logic. Therefore today the first attempt of a cause investigation and clarification takes place, however, with [...]

AMD Radeon RDNA White Paper to read and download | PDF Library

The new white paper on AMD's RDNA Gaming architecture is available and linked for reading. The white paper includes a technical analysis of the "Navi" architecture—the basis of graphics cards—including the new Radeon RX 5700 Series GPUs. The RDNA architecture has been optimized while providing backward compatibility with the GCN [...]