Category - Network

Test the speed of your internet connection!

Together with nPerf SAS from France, we now offer our readers a very special service: a real speed test for your Internet connections! But not only that, because nPerf does not require the installation of any plugins or Flash, but also offers statistics, the possibility to record your measurements statistically and much more. We have therefore [...]

Skyroam Solis the second: WiFi hotspot finally with fair use policy against data capping, with new app and more flexible data models

Does anyone remember my first test of this bright orange online WiFi box, which you find as Skyroam Solis in well-stocked online retail? I mean, good friends like to forgive some weaknesses and also my little, faithful travel companion was not without. But at least so far, he has patiently and brazenly endured everything that an annoyed editor [...]

GDPR: German companies are particularly vulnerable to warnings

Since the 25th. The new General Data Protection Regulation will be implemented in Europe in May 2018 – with fewer warnings than previously feared. Nevertheless, German companies in particular are not yet able to breathe. Temporarily shut down websites, blocked media offers and thousands of consultations with lawyers and data protection authorities [...]