Solving “unexplained” interrupt problems: Message-Signaled Interrupts (MSI) against sound dropouts, USB problems & Co. | Practice

If the sound card drops out or cracks, USB devices do not work or only work sporadically or the performance drops, then interrupt conflicts are usually the cause. This is something that Windows users have long since ignored out of sheer convenience, although the problem is as old as PCs and has only shifted under the colorful operating system [...]

Sendy Audio Aiva – Magnetostatic Stereo Headphones Review – Lots of wood, but still a fair price and some trouble for the competitors

The Sendy Audio Aiva has me touched (and not just because it’s a magnetostat), and has made me wonder a bit both beforehand and afterward. But more about that in a moment, because I have to elaborate a bit more. However, why I’m testing a pair of headphones for 649 Euros today is quickly explained: I’m currently testing an [...]

Already irradiated or just blitzed? Into the RGB wonderland with the Roccat Vulcan II Max and the Kone XP Air

Both the Roccat Vulcan II Max and the Roccat Kone XP Air are not new, but somehow they are a bit different. Of course, this first raises the serious question of the sense or nonsense of a review long time after the release, long after the usual media have already more or less gratefully embraced these two products. Now, you can argue about RGB and [...]

Repair of a crumbled Beyerdynamic Custom One Pro and lab measurement of a completely messed up mechanical sounding

You probably remember my Beyerdynamic Custom One Pro headset, which simply destroyed itself in storage completely without use and which I had as article published last week. Being a sustainable person, I fixed the part today at my expense after having to wait a few days for the parts. The test will have to prove whether it was worth it – on [...]