Basics Graphics Reviews

2D power in reverse? A comprehensive analysis! | Retro 10 years ago

Disclaimer: The following article is machine translated from the original German, and has not been edited or checked for errors. Thank you for understanding!

Regardless of how Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 handles the GDI, the programming methodology is always the same. The differences in how these contents are processed by the graphics card have already been explained in the previous chapter. How the content is first created, however, that you will now learn.

Character commands

No matter what we would like to output via the GDI in 2D, everything is based on a fixed structure of standardized drawing commands. In detail it would surely go beyond the scope of this article, so only this much: no matter whether lines, curves, polygons, rectangles, ellipses or whatever geometric shape and its properties (filling, line thickness and color, etc.) – there is a precisely defined command for each of these tasks. This is passed to the GDI by the current application program together with the necessary parameters.  The respective application then no longer has any influence on the rest.

Direct and buffered drawing: the ant-elephant comparison

In principle, it doesn’t matter whether a million ants each carry a grain of sand 100 m from A to B, or whether the ants carry these grains of sand into a collection container 50 cm away, which is then pulled to its destination by a single elephant. In both operations, the intended objective is achieved.  Now let’s look at the differences. The elephant method is faster and more efficient and less traffic is generated. Coordinating a million ants is much more time-consuming than transporting a container once and then dumping it all at once at the destination. It also takes considerably more time. The advantage of the ant method is that you do not need any further heavy aids (container = buffer) and that in individual cases, if you only need a few grains of sand, it can even be more efficient and flexible. So it always depends on the task and the quantity. Therefore, let us now consider drawing via the GDI to an output device (monitor) in analogy to these examples.

Direct drawing according to the ant methodDirect drawing according to the ant method Slow and optimal only in certain cases, because each individual object is also drawn individually on the output area, which takes time.


Indirect drawing according to the elephant method
Indirect drawing according to the elephant method: A buffer first collects all contents invisibly, the visible output
is done at the end for all objects together and only once.

We see that as soon as a more complex drawing is to be output, the method using the buffer is much faster. The disadvantage that you first need a so-called device-independent bitmap (DIB) for buffering, which has the same size as the visible output area (e.g. full screen or drawing area of a CAD program), is quickly compensated by the speed advantage. On the other hand, it would be useless to rewrite the entire buffer for every small change. Let us now examine a case in which a direct output just lends itself.

Real-time output when creating and editing drawing objects

If, for example, you want to move a geometric object (e.g. a polygon) from position A to position B on the drawing area in real time using the mouse in a drawing program, then it would be pointless to redraw everything for each of the intermediate positions where the mouse is currently located, fill the buffer and then output it. Here one makes use of a trick. Using the ROP (Raster Operator), you can XOR (exclusive OR) as follows.

If two identical objects are superimposed with XOR, they cancel each other outIf two identical objects are superimposed with XOR, they cancel each other out. Moving an object by drawing directly on the output area using the raster operator (XOR) is also one of those things:

Move an object by drawing directly on the output area using the raster operator (XOR)

You first draw the object to be moved again directly on the output device using XOR at the old position. As a result, this object “disappears” on the output surface as if by magic. Now draw the object directly and without XOR to the new position, so that it becomes visible there again. This is repeated for every single mouse movement, so that 10-50 position changes can be displayed within one second. The lazy eye perceives this as a smooth and flowing process without flickering. Only at the end is the buffer completely refilled and output. This method of non-stationary, direct drawing on a device is also called “floating drawing”. We’ll keep this in mind, because we’ll need to revisit it in the next section when we talk about the symptoms in the HD5xxx’s 2D behavior.

Another field of activity is the representation of so-called “floating objects”. This includes, for example, all marker points which, depending on the selected processing mode, serve as drawing and orientation aids and whose display, if there are a large number of them, can also be problematic. These objects are not a fixed part of the drawing and are not buffered by almost any program.


If we consider what we have just read with the individual flowcharts in the previous chapter, we find that 2D GDI output under XP can be hardware-accelerated and without detours. Under Vista, it almost doesn’t matter if we use a custom buffer or send each command directly to the output device – the entire window is buffered again anyway. Under Windows 7 with WDDM 1.1 drivers the second buffer is omitted and only the changes are shown.  The direct sign is slightly slower than under WDDM 1.0 and struggles with the same causes as under Vista. The additionally available hardware acceleration for GDI content is unfortunately very limited. We have to take all this into account if we want to talk about the benchmark later on and evaluate the results properly.



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6,893 Kommentare 3,465 Likes

Erinnere mich sogar noch dunkel an das Thema damals. Heutzutage aber reicht mir irgendwie selbst eine AST-BMC-Grafik um nicht negativ im Desktop-Betrieb aufzufallen… ;)

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Igor Wallossek


10,462 Kommentare 19,572 Likes

Seitdem hassen die mich :D

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6,893 Kommentare 3,465 Likes

Kleingeister halt. ;)

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Igor Wallossek


10,462 Kommentare 19,572 Likes

Oder so. Dafür ist mittlerweile die AMD-Implementierung besser als bei NV. Hat auch was Positives :D

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8 Kommentare 1 Likes

An den Artikel konnte ich mich auch noch erinnern, die Zeit rennt schneller als man möchte :eek:

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689 Kommentare 187 Likes

Ich finde es ehrlich gesagt immer noch peinlich. Ich weiß noch wie meine GTX480 bei 2D (Obwohl in 3D ein echtes Monster) vor sich hin kroch und meine uralte Voodoo 3 3500 in nem Pentium 3 Kreise und das Ding rannte. Die 2D Performance war teilweise echt mies. Aber es hat sich mit der Zeit zum Glueck gebessert. Ideal finde ich es aber immer noch nicht. Ich bin ein Fan davon, soetwas von der CPU fern zu halten und in irgendeiner Form abzuladen. Nicht nur 2D-Grafik. Auch beim Sound.

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2,223 Kommentare 858 Likes

So ändern sich die Zeiten. Dennoch habe ich den Eindruck, dass uns GDI noch lange bleiben wird.

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About the author

Igor Wallossek

Editor-in-chief and name-giver of igor'sLAB as the content successor of Tom's Hardware Germany, whose license was returned in June 2019 in order to better meet the qualitative demands of web content and challenges of new media such as YouTube with its own channel.

Computer nerd since 1983, audio freak since 1979 and pretty much open to anything with a plug or battery for over 50 years.

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