AMD Sapphire Nitro+ RX 570 8GB - Factory BIOSes


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Jun 20, 2022
Hi, I am looking for factory stock Silent and OC VBIOS for this specific Sapphire Nitro+ Radeon RX 570 8GB.

Yes, I got this card as "Not Working" from eBay and was probably for crypto mining. It had no video when I got it, but after trying many BIOSes from TechPowerUp's database, I have video display now. However, it crashes to black/locked when a fullscreen application exits, and still has artifacts sometimes. It's not stable or properly fixed yet.

P/N on the box and cooler shroud is 299-2E366-001SA. In software, the card reports its P/N is 113-2E366DU-S5U on both VBIOS Switch positions. (This may have been changed with a previous VBIOS flash.)

Memory chips on this card are SK Hynix model# H5GC8H24MJR-R0F.

All of the BIOSes on TechPowerUp for SK Hynix are for memory chips that start with H5GQ, not H5GC. (All end with 8H24MJR though)

The card now displays video and mostly works after flashing an "S5U" BIOS I found, but it still crashes and artifacts on context switches (ie when a fullscreen program or game exits). The S5U BIOS I found is for 8GB Micron memory however. (also has wrong power limits etc).

Can anyone help out to get stock BIOSes for this card configuration?

  • I also emailed Sapphire's USA support (tech at and they did not reply after a couple weeks
  • I inspected the PCB very closely for damage, corrosion, etc, and can't find anything wrong
  • All the memory chips are the same SK Hynix SKU# and seem to be stock, not replaced, no evidence of flux reflow etc
  • The only problem is crashing on graphics context switch (i.e. benchmark / game exits), so I think it's related to memory deallocation, i.e. having the wrong BIOS for the memory chips.
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