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should be nearly the same effort as with TDV
open Powerlimit + TDV-tweak@1,35V should be enough, Sylwester had only 1275mV, but good cooling
disable ds gfxclk
What... 1.35V? This is nuts! :)

My personal best is at 1.193V gfx / 1.175 soc, the clocks hit 2750 mhz wall no matter the settings used. DS GFX disables GFX IP coarse grain power gating, which makes target and effective frequencies pretty much the same.
If we set aside the results of EVC-mods and from driver cheaters, then it's second best.

TS XOC 2 settings.png

Anyway, looking at the screen you posted, I'm pretty sure that
a) no way clocks would surpass 2800 without evc
b) it's obtained on 21.10 driver, and at some point, maybe a couple of years ago, drivers got slower.
(RedF's result is on 21.11 driver also)

I've looked through the HWLUXX TS ranking btw, and I couldn't find a single result with clocks above 2750 without EVC.
You can see it in the 3dmark ranking of 6800xt owners (link in prev. post), there are lot of results where reported Fmax is exactly 2750 Mhz

should be nearly the same effort as with TDV
Not really so.
Zuletzt bearbeitet :
if the Volts are high enough@open Powerlimit, may be there is a spike in the run (x)
look at sylwester, max. gfx clock is higher then avg.

only, ... to show more then 2800 at a GoldenChip

(x) the same issue we can find @6800nonXT
max gfx clock = 2603 in the run of Andybuc

Zuletzt bearbeitet :
I am now sure that I made my scores with EVC2.

Butanding was, as far as I know, the only one to break the 2800MHz limit, only he knows how.

Not sure if Silvester had an EVC2.
But I don't think so.
Yeah, not very convincingly, to say the least )
Doesn't bother me, to say the least.

Antwort auf eine Frage erhalten, aber unzufrieden damit sein, dass der Beweis für den Wahrheitsgehalt der Antwort nicht mit- oder nachgeliefert wird? Suit yourself. ^^
Zuletzt bearbeitet :
I am now sure that I made my scores with EVC2.
Indeed )

if the Volts are high enough@open Powerlimit, may be there is a spike in the run (x)
look at sylwester, max. gfx clock is higher then avg
It's easy to check. The GFX clock should go over 2750 if I increase voltage further.

Interesting, when I unchecked all powersaving and throttling features, HWInfo registered peak gfx target clock 2802mhz, which I assume is due to partially broken GPU telemetry with this config.

But anyway, I've set 1225mv GFX voltage, and 3DMark still reporting the same 2750 mhz wall. The only difference between these two tests is broken telemetry, besides 16W more power



  • TS xOC DS-GFX 0ff 1.200V.png
    TS xOC DS-GFX 0ff 1.200V.png
    694,8 KB · Aufrufe : 6
  • TS xOC All ps off 1.225V.png
    TS xOC All ps off 1.225V.png
    637,4 KB · Aufrufe : 4
Zuletzt bearbeitet :
telemetrie@HWinfo in what milliseconds?
may be
UL could read a value at other millisecond

must not be a telemetrie failure
In this way the UL-values may be correct.

sometimes there is a little spike at the end of GT1
takes some run´s to find a run with this exception
max GPU-Clock.JPG
for example in the attachement
the GFX-Clock is max but Vram goes yet in DS, = no idea how UL reads this
(may be both are not exact in the same timeline)


Zuletzt bearbeitet :
telemetrie@HWinfo in what milliseconds?
sometimes there is a little spike at the end of GT1
takes some run´s to find a run with this exception
I see. This looks more like a sudden gfx occupancy drop that causes the clock to jump, rather than an unexpected spike - 3mhz difference is well within a margin of error, or rather due to the different polling rate in 3dm and hwi.

Anyway, both my TS runs show the GFX frequency graph as smooth as the autobahn )
Zuletzt bearbeitet :
2000ms is how much frames ?
In this way the HWinfo means nothing, if you want to know the GFX-clock@ the last frame of GT1.

What is your behaviour?
Do you not believe at the HoF or what else?

I don´t think that Sylwester uploaded a failure.

Why not ask Butanding directly in the
Ich weiß nicht ob butanding sein Geheimnis lüftet ^^
Wie sind eigentlich die erf. Anpassungen für die 6800xt, wenn man die 6950-Curven benutzt?
Hattest Du da in dem Reiter "moreCurve" etwas ändern müssen?
(vllt steckt da indirekt ne V/F-Angabe drin, die näher an eff. 2800MHz ranreicht)


  • moreCurve.JPG
    72,1 KB · Aufrufe : 10

I asked redF because he did as first User the test with 6950-Curve@6800xt.

vllt. means probably
V/F means Volt/Frequency
Zuletzt bearbeitet :
Die 6950 Kurve lief ohne große Anpassungen auch auf der 6800XT.

Richtig gut wurde es aber erst mit ampassungen. Ich habe da noch so einige fertige kurven falls da Interesse besteht.
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